Lodge Kyle 1117 : NEWS 2007 - 2024
A good turnout of 13 Brethren including visitors from Provincial and Strathpeffer and Tain witnessed a good 2nd Degree conferred on Bro Cameron Mackenzie.
Young Masons with The Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty.
A splendid turnout of 21 Brethren, with several generations of two families present. Stevie and Cameron will confirm this. The Provincial Visit went well. With Lodge in good health financially and new members joining, the Provincial Grand Master confirmed this in his address and congratulated the Lodge for its good work. This evening's highlight was the Initiation (conferring of a First Degree) on Mr Cameron Mackenzie, who is now referred to as Brother Cameron, due to there now being six Mackenzies in the Lodge. While the Degree can be a bit of a mystery, visits to other Lodges will gradulally make clear what's going on. There were visitors from Lodges near and far including Dingwall, Jedburgh and Tain. After the Meeting, the Harmony lived up to its name, the Brethren in good company, fed and refreshed before leaving for home.
We welcome Brother Stevie Barclay to the highest Degree in Scottish Freemasonry. A poignant, educational and enjoyable ritual. The Meeting was a great success which included a new application to become a Freemason from a local man being accepted by all the Brethren. We look foward to meeting with him this Saturday, 9/3/24 at 11am. At the Harmony buffet there were some very tasty culinary delights and good cheer throughout the evening.
The cruel wet and windy weather prevented many brethren from attending. Landslides and floods effectively prevented visitors too. Fortunately the building is still wind and water-tight!
We start the New Year with a new Meeting start time of 7:30pm. AT our forthcoming Meeting on January 8th 2024, this will be put to a vote and if ratified the new start time will be 7:30pm for every Meeting.
There were 17 Brethren at out Installation 11 of whom were visitors. The re-installation of Brother Steve Whittaker went very well and afterwards the Harmony went even better! Callum had made a butter chicken Curry with rice and nearly weveryone took a plate. There also home baked sausage rolls as an alternate choice (or in addition to the curry!) All round a very good evening and good to see old friends again from all over the Highlands.
There were 31 Brethren in the Hall at our annual Provincial Visit. Both visitors and Kyle Brethren were looking forward to this and a Third Degree; which didn't disappoint. Below you can see our latest Master Mason, Raymond Abringe, together with the Right Worshipful Master, Grand Master Mason and the Provincial Grand Master.
Our new RWM : Brother Steven Whittaker (below), was installed into the Chair of King Solomon on 12th December 2022 at a well attended Meeting. We all wish him every success during his tenure as Master of Lodge Kyle 1117.
RWM Brother Steve Whittaker
Installation of Brother Steve Whittaker, Lodge Kyle No. 1117December 2022
This being maily the hard work of Bros. Steve, Paul and Michael.
OCTOBER MEETING 3rd October 2022
A stormy day followed by a lull for the Masons' Meeting. & Brethren came along to enjoy shelter from the storm.
The Brethren then stood in silence for two minutes as a mark of respect for the recently deceased H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.
Bro. Steve had been busy.. installing a quality heater donated by Bro. Cundiff. Then replacing old incanscent "bulbs" with new LED ones at his own expense. He and Bro. Paul also tidied the garden ready for the winter. October is a time of flux in the Lodge, when we decide who will be doing what in 2023. A new Master to elect; new Deacons and Wardens as well as confirming the "regulars" like Secretary and Treasurer.
New Diaries for 2023 are available for pre-order at 10 peounds each.
We also need to consider expenditure as new candidates means new ties, Ritual Books and Certificates. We are fortunate to have one new prospect in the wings; his application sitting in the Lodge for inspection for a month, before inviting him to interview.
We are also investing in new Regalia as a sum of money was donated by Bro. Cundiff for this purpose. The first set will be for TheTyler.
2 mice were caught in the Lodge traps due to their fondness for peanut butter.
FEBRUARY MEETING 7th February 2022
Again masked we held our Meeting as normal with sad news. Following the Passing to the Grand Lodge Above of or friend and Brother John MacDougall on Wednesday 29th December 2021 at Burnside Care Home, Laurencekirk, a Funeral Service took place at the Family Home on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 11:00am, and thereafter to Clachan Duich Burial Ground where his sons and four other Brethren (Bros. Gordon, Moore, Miller, Newton) from our Lodge attended. It was suggested by some of the Brethren that in lieu of a wreath, we make a donation on John’s behalf to Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland. A sum of 50 pounds will be donated, commemorating Johns 50+ years serving Freemasonry. John was a great servant of our Lodge, fulfilling his role of Treasurer flawlessly for 32 years; an astonishing achievement. A minute’s silence was observed tonight in John’s honour.
The treasurer told us that the Lodge had been inspected after the recent gales by a builder. His bill for this work was £100. It was later revealed the Lodge needs extensive roof work – Paul said an estimate to follow by the next Meeting, and asked if we had some fund raising ideas. It was suggested we ask for donations from the Brethren who do not attend regularly in lieu of the more usual Charity Box donations. Secretary to investigate Grand Lodge contributions after we get the estimate.
The Mallet of Authority was then passed to the DPGM Bro Mike Turner who said he was looking forward to tonight’s Degree and that it was good to be back in Kyle 1117 after Covid-19 restrictions had been eased somewhat.
The Candidate James Whittle of Kyle, was then prepared to be made a Mason and Initiated. He then signed the Book as a Freemason.
JANUARY MEETING 10th January 2022
With a new variant of Covid-19 (Omicron) running rampant through the nation, it was thought prudent to cancel the Meeting.
Still wearing masks Brother Callum Mackenzie was reinstalled into the Chair of King Solomon for the next 12 monhs. In attendance were the PGM Bro. Raymond MacKeddie and RWPSM Bro David Macmaster. The PGM thanked us for the warm welcome extended to himself and Bro. Macmaster and said it was good to see the Lodge hall in such good order, our RWM mentioning this is mainly the work of Bros Paul Newton and Steve Whittaker. He also said that the Brethren were working well despite adverse (Covid) circumstances, certainly an example of quality rather than quantity.
DECEMBER MEETING 6th December 2021
Masked, we were busy preparing for the Installation Meeting in 7 days time.
NOVEMBER MEETING 1st November 2021
Again wearing masks and being attentive to government guidelines (sprays, hand gel etc) we met to arrange the Installation Meeting next month. We asked the Brethren if the Lodge would like to place a Masonic crested wreath on the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday. The cost of which is £37.50. An immediate and overwhelming majority agreed this was a good idea and Bro. Paul Newton acquired the wreath. We also received a VERY generous addition to our appeal from Janet Macpherson and husband Bro. Roddy, to be contributed in part to the cost of the wreath and the much larger portion to the Earl Haig Fund. Hector Morrison; Janet’s father, was a faultless attender and long-serving member of Lodge Kyle and fought in the Second World War. “Lest we forget”. Additionally, tonight’s collection will be made up to £300 for donation to the “Poppy Fund”
OCTOBER MEETING 4th October 2021
After an extended suspension of Meetings Lodge Kyle resumed its regular Meetings today. We were all pleased to be back in the Lodge and see Brothers who have been isolated for over a year and a half.
Coronavirus Statement (Covid-19) - 17th March 2020
NOTE : All Masonic activity involving face to face meetings has been suspended until further notice bacuse of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Meetings will begin again as soon as the UK Goverment advises it is safe to do so.
Letter from The Grand Master Mason suspending Meetings (pdf)
MARCH 2nd 2020
Before the Meeting we all greeted each other in the usual manner with a Masonic Handshake. While this not seem unusual, we were at the beginning of a flu-like epidemic called Covid-2019 or Coronavirus.At this juncture we were not aware of the mechanism and details of the disease, only that in a tiny number of people, the disease can be fatal and that it can be transmitted through the air or by touching. A memo from Grand Lodge was issued instructing us not to Shake Hands unless we are sure we don't have the virus. Most Brethren were aware of the virus and not overly concerned, even though Lodge Kyle comprises mostly of men aged over 60 and thus the most vulnerable age group for the virus. We shall se what happens in the coming months.
The Secretary asked the Brethren if we could donate £25 to prostate Scotland for a forthcoming abseil off the Forth Rail Bridge as one of our Brethren was taking part. We wish him a safe return and will send the money.
Brother Wilson brought A collection of Magazines and his father’s Masonic Regalia Case. The Magazines will prove useful for potential members and those who have just joined as they contain articles describing what Freemasonry is and what Masons get up to. The case will also be useful as they can be expensive and a case is therefore a boon to a brother with little or no spare cash. This was much appreciated by the Brethren and we thank Brother Wilson for his generosity and thoughtfulness. Brother Newton then told of a new Military Lodge instigated by the Brethren of his old Lodge in Somerset. Our next regular Meeting will be 6th April 2020 at 8pm where we will rehearse a First Degree in preparation for any new Candidates.
FEBRUARY 3rd 2020
Tonight saw visitors from
from a good selection of Lodges come to us for a cosy winter meeting. The RWM laid out his plans for the year ahead, starting with the learning of a First Degree for those never having participated before. Followed by a Second and Third preparation later in the year, The PPGM of Ross and Cromarty Brother Morris Downie who was visiting informed us of the forthcoming events in the province; namely the Lodge of Sorrow 3rd May and Celebrations of TWO lodges in the Province. First in May is Lodge Rosehaugh 1216 in Avoch who are having their Centenary on 2nd May closely followed by Lodge St Martin 1217 on 9th May also celebrating 100 years of Freemasonry in Ullapool. Lots to look forward to ... Next Meeting Mon March 2nd
A very, very wet evening saw 10 Brethren in Lodge Kyle for our Installation, which included Donald Wood (St Kilda 881, Portree) and John Macleod Macdonald of Sleat 1379) both in the Province of Inverness-shire. The RWM welcomed them into the Province and Lodge as well as our own Brethren. The Installation went very well, Bro Callum Mackenzie our on-going RWM for a second term and PM Rob Wilson as Installing Master. After the Meeting the Lodge Room was set up for the Harmony with home made scones, sausage rolls, sandwiches and Chili Con Carne on offer as well as refreshments and tea. A good time was had by all and we all look forward to a better and bigger Masonic year in 2020. In the meantime a Merry Christmas and the season's greetings to all our friends across the globe!
A short Meeting this evening with final preparation for the Re-Installtion on Saturday
7th December.
The Elected Office Bearers for 2020 are as follows: -
- RWM Callum Mackenzie
- Treasurer Mick Moore
- Secretary Ronnie Miller
- SW Hector Mackenzie
- JW Steve Whittaker
- SD Paul Newton
- JD Rob Wilson
- Inner Guard Ian Williams
- Tyler Donnie Gordon
We hope for a good turn-out on Saturday as numbers have been low of late.
A good turnout and a good Meeting.
The main focus of the evening being the forthcoming Installation. Office bearers will be mostly the same as last year with Ian stepping inside the door. We also heard from Mick about someone who successfully set up a Monthly Direct Debit on our account to take money for Tottenham Hotspur Tickets. Thanks to Mick's dilligence he spotted the fraud immediately and with the Bank's help rectified the matter and received a full refund. We also emulated a First Degree and so we are ready for the next candidate should one come forward. Please note that the annual fees of 60 GBP are due at the December Meeting. This month's collection was dontated to Poppy Scotland!
Sadly there were only 6 of us this night and so the Meeting was abandoned. We did however sit in the hall for an hour and discuss various things without refreshment.
The first Meeting of the year saw a good attendance and a dry Lodge after the roof repairs held good despite heavy rain.
Also thanks to Brother Michael Moore for organising a builder to come along and seal the "light tunnel" in the roof which was open to the elements. Come winter this would allow rain to come in and ruin the Lodge floor unless halted immediately. However the builder did the work and the next job will be the chimney harling.
A big thank you to Brother Michael
Macdiarmid, who this afternoon cleared the weeds and brush from the front garden of The Lodge. As pictures speak louder than words, here then, is his work before and after:-
A bright evening and a large turnout set the stage for what was to be a great night. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty were on their Annual Visit and were witness to a shortened version of a Mark Degree. This was performed well and not without some humour. As we were a couple of payers short, Bros Chris Revill and Colin Mackintosh stepped up as SO and Candidate, both of whom performed admirably and were thereafter presented with a bottle of vintage wine each by the RWM. We also had a visitor from Germany, Brother René, who now lives in Vienna. He brought with him a little book to have signed or stamped by the Lodges he visited.
Ramsay, who was part of the Provincial Delegation signed the book as GMM of Scotland, which I am sure will result in some interesting comments and questions when René presents his book for inspection back home.
On a sadder note Bro Ian Ruscoe a Brother in Lodge Kyle passed to the Grand Lodge Above and thus the Brethren stood for a moment's silence in his memory.
Our Charity work this month was in aid of Simmie (Simpson Barclay) of this Lodge whose is raising money for a man who suffered a serious stroke at a young age leaving his wife and infant child in hardship. Simmie is doing a sponsored skydive to raise money and will receive £50 from the Benevolent Fund to assist in some small way in his efforts for this worthy cause.
The Lodge closed; a lively Harmony ensued and went on for a good while with the Brethren enjoying a cup of tea or the national drink. A good spread was provided bythe Brethren of Lodge Kyle and a very good night was had by all. Pictures below.
The next Meeting will be 2nd September when we will discuss parts and Installing Master for the Installation.
with visitors from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty
A cold nighte saw a good few of the Bretrhen and two visitors open the Lodge. THe RWM welcomed everyone and we carrout out a rehearsal for the forthcoming "emulation" of a Mark for the forthcoming Visit. One of the visitors Brother Stewart Hiddleston from Lodge Seaforth volunteered to be Candidate and a splendid job he made of it too. Our other visitor PPGM Bro Maurice Downie from Lodge St Martin said he enjoyed the work all the more as he wouldnt make it to the Visitation. The Lodge was then closed in the usual manner.
A warm welcome was extended to our Visitors Brethren and the RWM thanked all present for such a good turnout. It should be noted that a road closure due to an accident prevented some Brethren from attending last month (February) despite setting out and so the Meeting had to be cancelled as only 6 Brethren were in attendance.
The Secretary then said there were still some Diaries £10.
4 Brethren were put through their MARK DEGREE, namely Brothers: Stephen Whittaker, Ally Mackenzie, Derek Maclean and Ian Williams. The Secretary duly entered their respective Names in the Register. All Brethren thoroughly enjoyed their Degree as did the Brethren carrying out the various parts. A very popular event!
Brother Hector Mackenzie congratulated the Brethren on their Mark Degree as did our visitors from 319, 4217, who brought Fraternal Greetings from their respective Lodges to which our Master reciprocated in kind. Our visitor from Lodge St Martin 1217 noted that in England in his old Province they actually had a Mark Lodge with a separate number, although the ritual was very similar. The RWM said he thought everyone had performed superbly and that things would be even more polished when we carried out a Mark Degree for the Provincial Visit in May. Bothers Newton and Miller had visited 5361 and 1234 respectively and brought back Fraternal Greetings.
Our next Meeting will be 1st April 2018 at 8pm
The Lodge was then closed in Due and Antient Form and a very good Harmony with lively discussion ensued, fuled by delicious home bakes and refreshments.
A warm welcome was extended to our Brethren by our new RWM Bro Callum Mackenzie who thanked all present for such a good turnout in January and wished all a Happy New Year. There were also 9 Brethren who handed in their apologies hinting at a good number of Brethren for the year ahead.
The RWM suggested the Brethren so a "Mark" and all present agreed and took parts accordingly.
The RWM indicated he was keen for the Lodge to visit other Lodges, especially as some were close at hand. With this in mind, Brother Cundiff said he would be travelling to visit several Lodges in the near future and invited Brethren to share his car. He will let the Secretary know when these visits will occur so the Brethren can be emailed the details.
The Charity box benefited from £42.50.
A crisp calm evening saw 26 or so Brethren from all over the Highlands and Islands arrive at Lodge Kyle to witness Brother Callum Mackenzie be installed into the Chair of King Solomon.
The Installation team were from the Province of Inverness-shire : Archie Nicholson, James McLeod, Ross MacDiarmid, Chris Revell and Ewan Smith.
Poppy Scotland sent a letter of thanks indicating that Scottish Freemasons raised over £14,500 and 1200 symbols were placed in the Field of Remembrance in Edinburgh.
Brother MacDougall, of whom the Brethren had enquired, had been in touch and said he was feeling better all things considered. He wished us well for the Installation.
The Installation went almost flawlessly and the new RWM toasted with Uisge Beatha and water for the drivers.
The Secretary then presented “a wee dram” to each of the Installing Team and thanked them on behalf of Lodge Kyle for their superb effort.
The Master thanked the installing team and intimated that he hoped to do a Mark in the coming year. He also said it was very pleasing to see so many Lodges represented and read out the numbers 1379, 1217, 1216, 134, 318, 851, 854, 881, 1464. There were 26 Brethren present. Finally, the Brother Callum Mackenzie wished us all the best for the forthcoming festive season.
Brother Robin Cattanach, RWPGM of Ross and Cromarty then welcomed the Brethren visiting from afar into the Province and extended his Fraternal Greetings to their Provinces. He said he was pleased to see Callum back in the Chair, and that it was good to see cooperation between the Provinces, especially tonight’s Installing Team from the Province of Inverness-shire and extended Seasonal Greetings to all present and their respective Lodges.
The Charity Box was circulated and the sum of £133 was raised to go to the Masonic Homes, all agreed that this would be made up to £150.
The Lodge closed, an excellent Harmony commenced, enjoyed by all and finished late. The next Meeting is January 14th in the year 2019
The fire roaring, a new clock installed and
a good attendance set the stage for the final meeting of our RWM Brother Rob Wilson. Rob was installed two years ago and we all agreed it was a very successful tenure. Brother Callum Mackenzie (Master Elect) presented Rob with an engraved Past Master's Jewel, a gift from the Brethren, with which he was very pleased and thanked us all. Rob also said that he wished tonight's Meeting was longer but as there was little official business to conduct, next week being our Installation, the Meeting closed after around only half an hour. However we all stayed in the Lodge room and discussed the forthcoming Installation where PM Callum Mackenzie will become Master.
PM Brother Paul Newton intimated that, despite the dedicated efforts of the Brethren, his Mother Lodge in Ireland was closing due to lack of membership, a sharp reminder that encouraging new members to join the Craft is an essential part of Freemasonry. It is worrying that looking around many Lodges the Brethren are of the "grey hair and nae hair" variety, indicating the lack of young blood. Paul will attend the final Meeting at which he will receive a Certificate for 50 years in the Craft.
As next week (Monday 10th December 2018) is the Installation and likely to bring in visitors from afar, Brethren are asked if they could remember to bring food for the Harmony. We are all also reminded to pay our annual Fees of £55 as £33 of this money is required by Grand Lodge immediately
A Delegation from Trinidad, Tobago and Grenada were in Scotland this week and one of the events set up for their visit was a 3rd Degree performed by Reigning Masters in Lodge Fingal in Dingwall. The Degree was enjoyed by everyone and thereafter the Caribbean islanders were joined by their wives for a banquet which was absolutely delicious. A gallery of images is on the new provincial website at http://pglorac.uk/car/
Finally we are all pleased that Brother Ramsay is the 111th Grand Master Mason of Scotland. We cannot think of a better man for the job and are especially proud that one of our own Brethren from Ross and Cromarty is in the Chair of the highest office in The Craft.
Seven Brethren made the journey to the Lodge for a very productive Meeting. A few loose ends were tied up namely: The Water fiasco with the new company, Castle Water being reliable, but also 100 pounds less expensive per annum. The Lodge roof does qualify for insurance cover so long as we get an estimate in good time from a builder. Current premium is £471/annum for the next three years. We also have a new Master elect, PM Callum Mackenzie and going forward a team is being gathered for the Installation and this is largely under way.
Bro Paul Newton was congratulated by us all when he showed us his FIFTY YEARS in Freemasonry Certificate, where Paul has been Master in 3 Constitutions : The Grand Lodges of Ireland, England and Scotland, an incredible and possibly unique achievement. Paul noted that in his old Lodge at some formal Dinners, non-Masons were invited and this garnered new members, an idea we could consider. We also received a VERY generous cheque from Roger which will go towards new regalia and its general upkeep. Thank you Roger from ALL the Brethren, we are very grateful for this timely donation. Sadly he could not attend as the road at Strathcarron is still closed at night, an on-going issue preventing visitors from most local Lodges. We were also very pleased to hear Brother Ramsay McGhee from our Province and well known to all of us, is the new Grand Master Elect. He will become the 111th Grand Master Mason of Scotland, a position welcomed by all of us. The Secretary sent a congratulatory letter to which Ramsay replied with his good wishes to all at Lodge Kyle. Test Fees (Membership of Lodge Kyle and Freemasonry) are again £55, but members are free to donate more if they feel so inclined.
There will also be a Reigning Masters Degree held at Lodge Fingal, Dingwall on December First at 1pm, in honour of our visitors from Granada, Tobago and Trinidad. A meal to be held after.
Still in summer mood and with two visitors from Lodge St Kilda in Portree, the Lodge met to confer a 3rd Degree on a worthy Brother; Ian Williams. The work went well with all questions answered immediately and without hesitation. Both the Brethren and new MM were very happy.
Concern for the Lodge Building again came into our discussions as the building is now over 80 years old and the roof will soon need inspection, something the brethren felt should be done professionally and going forward, on a more regular basis. The Lodge also again thanked Bro Whittaker for his continued efforts in the repairs to the Lodge and in taking away the rubbish from the front of the Lodge with his trailer, ably assisted by a young local man, Sandy MacInnes. After the Meeting we had a most splendid "Harmony" at which discussions continued over a huge selection of home made savouries and sweets. A good night!
Tonight saw a good turnout of Brethren and a visitor from Lodge Eval, who likes Lodge Kyle so much, he wants to Affiliate.
As the Lodge has been in recess over the summer months, the business reflected this in that it was mainly building maintenance and garden upkeep. All of us are grateful to Bro Whittaker, who in the Summer months repaired the kitchen floor which had collapsed and also cleaned the tiled floor. On top of this he offered the use of his trailer and services to remove the huge pile of garden debris from in front of the Lodge. Next month we will have a Third Degree which we are all looking forward to. We are also looking for Nomnations for a new Master, to be installed in December 2018. FInally Raffle Tickets are available at a pound each or a book of ten for ten pounds. 1st prize, of which there are many, is 1000 pounds. Monies to help Masonic Homes.
This evening was another superb evening both weather-wise and because Provincial came up for their visit. It would appear that this year is going to be a recordbreaing sunny year with may brethren commenting on the lovely drive over.
The Lodge was opened and after the usual formalilities Provincial were admitted. RWPGM Bro Robin Cattanach
welcomed everyone and handed back the Maul so our own Master Bro Rob sould lead the Lodge through a Second Degree for Brother Ian Williams. The RWM then asked the Candidate his Questions to which he provided perfect answers without hesitation. The Degree was then conferred in what the RWPGM commented on as very well rehearsed. The RWPGM then congratulated the Candidate, who impressively made the journey from London especially for his Degree.
He then spoke about the acute hardships suffered through a lack of money and general crop failure in Malawi affecting Mountain View School for the Deaf. He described how the Masonic Brethren in the Highlands had pulled together at short notice and contributed money allowing the School to buy fundamental necessities like 150 sacks of grain and a lorry load of mattresses for the children. The School is the PGM’s personal Charity. He also told us of a forthcoming visit to the Province by the Brethren of Trinidad and Tobago and that he would like to do a Masters’ Degree in which the RWMs of the Province work a MM Degree and the proceeds would go to Mountain View School. The visit and Degree is fast becoming a tradition. The Provincial AGM will be at Lodge Averon on May 23 at 7.45pm. The RWPGM then presented our PM Bro Ronnie Miller with a Gold Jewel and Certificate which comes with the rank of Honorary Grand Marshall, this being in part for his continued work on the Province’s Website and our own Website.
The Lodge was then closed and we had a Harmony with a selection of home home made food.
Young Jennifer Beaton a member of Kyleakin Connections had a great idea. She would grow her hair for two years then have it cut off in long lengths to be made into wigs for people recovering from cancer. For those of you who do not know, the powerful drugs use to treat cancer can also cause hair loss.. hence the need for wigs.
Anyway this month signalled Jenny's visit to the hairdresser, who promptly cut off the hair, which is now being used in the making of a wig.
Many local people sponsored her unique effort and Lodge Kyle was happy to donate a small sum also. Bro. Mick Moore handed over a cheque for 50 pounds and return "got his photie took", which no doubt will appear on the Kyleakin Connections Facebook page in due course. Meantime here is Jennifer before and after :-
The evening opened to the discovery of a corner of the floor in the kitchen
partially collapsed by around 2". Bro Steve subsequently lifted a few boards and discovered rot. He will support the joists and cut in some new wood leaving the supports in place.
The evening itself was mainly a 3rd Degree for Bro
Derek Maclean. His performance was impeccable and the supporting Brethren were not too shabby either. We had several visitors all of whom enjoyed themselves as well as The PPGM of Ross and Cromarty who also commended the Work. We were 18 Brethren in all, a well attended Meeting.
The Meeting was abandoned due to unforseen circumstances. Six of us turned up though but as we needed seven to hold a Meeting, the formal evening was cancelled and the Brethren set up the forthcoming 3rd Degree in April.
A warm welcome was extended to our Brethren and our Visitor from Lodge Macdonald of Sleat.
The RWM then moved the Lodge to business of this evening which was a FIRST DEGREE for Mr Ian Williams. The Degree went without incident with all participants making a good effort. Especially the Candidate who moved through the various parts of the Degree with due solemnity and close attention to the ritual. The RWM congratulated the Candidate and we are all glad to have Bro Williams among us.
The Charity Box was circulated during the Degree and the sum of £47 was raised to go to the Benevolent Fund.
Third Rising : Bro Hector formally congratulated the Candidate on a job well done. Our Guest Bro Revell, Secretary from Lodge Macdonald of Sleat congratulated the Bro Williams on his becoming a Freemason and the Degree work in general. He also invited the Brethren to attend their own forthcoming Degree. Bro Paul intimated he would not be available for the March Meeting. Bro Callum said he had prepared Venison Curry for the Harmony after the Meeting. He would also be away during February but was happy to learn any parts required of him. He then congratulated the candidate ... as did we all individually.
The Meeting was abandoned due to bad weather and illness. Six of us turned up though but as we needed seven to hold a Meeting, the formal evening was cancelled and the Brethren had a lively discussion on Masonic matters.
With Immediate Past Master Brother Paul Newton presiding, six other Brethren were in attendance.
The Secretary intimated a change of Management at Victoria Regalia and that next year’s diaries were now available to Pre-Order. We will order 10. Sale price to be announced, hopefully same as last year.
An application to become a Freemason has been received and the application will sit in the Lodge for 1 month for the perusal of all 1117 Brethren.
The Brethren then briefly discussed (for clarification) the costs of Lodge overheads and the Fees for next year (£55).
Bro Paul kindly brought in back issues of Freemason Magazine. They are in the Ante Room at the disposal of the Brethren.
This month there will be a Rehearsal for a Third Degree on Mon 23rd October at 7pm. The Secretary will confirm the Degree (Mon November 6th) with the Candidate and report back.
There was a stain in the centre of the Lodge floor, suggesting that the previous night's downpour had penetrated the Lodge roof. However nothing serious was apparent.
We had a visitor in the person of PPGM Bro Maurice Downie who spoke at length about Charity and how he overcame problems of Charitable Status, especially in one particular instance when delivering Football Strips to the Gambia. The weight drew a heavy tariff for shipping and lobbying various organisations, rather than accepting the word "NO" from the first, solved his problem. Even within organisations there is a "YES" when others may cry "NO". The moral.. ask everyone and dont take no for an answer.
A letter of thanks from Catherine Smith (Manager) for our donation of £200 towards an Electric Wheelchair for the NHS An Acarsaid Care Home. The chair costing £1,195 was wholly funded by local Lodges within 2 weeks of the original request for donations. A photo op and buffet lunch to be held in the coming month(s).
There was a meeting of Secretaries at Garve Hotel Sunday 3rd September, where a lively debate on he following:- Electronic Minutes & Back-up. GL Online Database, Minutes Checklist, Water Rates and Charity Status.
We will change our Water Billing company to Castle Water as soon as possible if worthwhile. castlewater.co.uk
Bro Mike Turner has written several times to Gail Ross MSP about WATER CHARGES exemption and over-charging with no tangible results. He has now written to the Cabinet Sec. Keith Brown regarding Exemption.
A few of the Brethren stayed on for a while talking over various subjects- a small but warm wee Harmony.
The weather, worthy of comment in Kyle for all the wrong reasons, this evening instead elicited comments such as "wonderful" and "gorgeous Spring evening" from most travellers who had journeyed over the hill to be with us on this the last Meeting of the Masonic season. (Next is 4th September).
The well attended Meeting produced over 30 Masons from all over the Highlands with a Delegation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty headed by The RWPGM Bro Robin Cattanach comprising the main part.
A mock Second Degree was performed and was thought to be a good effort by both those participating and watching, with special acknowledgement going to PM Mick Moore as Candidate.
Thanks to numbers and the generosity of the Brethren, we raised over 300 pounds this evening which will go to worthy causes. It should be noted that PM Donnie and his wife Ann had donated a "Cabinet" which contained vintage wine and a bottle 12 year old Scottish Malt Whisky which can be seen below with its luck new owner. All the Brethren of Kyle thank Ann and Donnie for such a special prize.
A happy winner or two.. (Mike and Stephen)
Tonight, in the company of two guests from Lodge Eval 1464 the RWM let a practice of a Second Degree. The rehearsal which will be performed for The Provincial Visit in May went reasonably well, with everyone at least knowing what they were meant to be doing.
The saga of the incorrect Water Bill is on-going with Business Stream issuing yet another outrageous if not impossible bill for 119,000 litres of water used when in fact the total was only 119 litres. You would think they could tell from the numbers something was wrong by a factor of 1000! The twist here is that the despite and Engineer from Scottish Water confirming our meter and readings accurate, Business Stream now insist we dont have a meter but must pay the bill. ???
After the Meeting there was a short but cheery Harmony during which a few Masonic items were discussed including the visiting rights of lapsed Masons.
The Treasurer reported on the issue of Standing Orders and said that the monies needed to be paid as a lump sum, therefore all monies from standing orders needed to be in by the due date and therefore a balancing cheque would be required in year 1 so as to pay the total due. The treasurer then reported on the increase on Rateable Value from 1500 to 2500 pounds and that he had applied for total exemption which should be approved.
Bro Donald Finlayson of Balmacara and a long-standing Brother in Lodge Kyle has sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above and thus the RWM led a moment’s silence out of respect.
The RWM decided we should perform a 2nd Degree for the Provincial Visit as it was the shortest and many of the visitors had a long way to travel, especially after a good Harmony.
Bro Donnie informed us of a communication from a Kyle Brother who was a member in the 1980s and now requires a certificate to prove same (His was lost in a fire at Achnasheen Hostel). The Secretary will look into this and take the appropriate steps.
After the meeting most Brethren stayed on for a while and discussion of the evening's meeting continued before going home. Although the Meeting was sparsely attended it was heartening to note the keeness with which ALL Brethren participated.
The Treasurer reported on the on-going Water Bill "saga" which appears to be drawing to a conclusion as follows: - Business Stream had sent a letter and bill for £169 which to us seemed about right. We are legally obliged to pay this - so we have. Discounts are to be investigated but Charity Status was decided against; due to the small benefit and the complication arising from it. Namely Annual Testing, 3 Trustees, Official Auditing and 27% of our charitable donations to go out with Freemasonry; all for a reduction of 50%.
The Treasurer then stated the need to increase the annual subscription and highlighted that £30 of the current fee (£50) goes to Grand Lodge even for Life Members who pay nothing. He proposed an increase of £5 initially for the following year. Bro Paul enquired if it was possible to set up a monthly standing order as this would help alleviate the financial burden of a single payment and allow people who didn’t attend regularly to pay their dues.
The Treasurer believed this could be possible.
The Secretary then outlined the plight of the Mountain View School for the Deaf in Malawi which have been having a tough time of late. Provincial had sent a letter stating that it costs 25 pounds per child per year to keep them at the school and that there was NO money. Could we therefore as a Lodge donate as much as we can afford to keep the children at school.
The Brethren agreed to give this month’s collection to this fund. Also Individual Brethren contributed what they could as personal donations.
We then proceeded to the work of the evening an FC Degree for Bro Derek Maclean who had travelled from inverness in a storm to be with us this evening. The Brethren congratulated Bro Derek on his “answers” and hoped he would have a successful Masonic career.
The Lodge was then reduced and there being no further business the Lodge prepared to close.
The Charity Box was circulated and raised the good sum of £67 which will go to The Malawi Fund Fund.
Our guest from Lodge Eval congratulated the Candidate on a good Degree and all the Brethren who took part. Bro Hector also congratulated the Candidate.
Bro Mick Moore has been working on an over-charge for some time now and it would appear he has located where the problem lies. The water meter. In the picture below you can clearly see that the meter reads almost zero, the red numbers representing fractions of 1 cubic meter of water (ostensibly litres). Mick will be sending the new reading as indicated below (zero) off to the water meter READING company (completely separate to the water company) and hopefully we will all have a Christmas present from them in the form of a new more accurate bill.
Substitute Right Worshipful Master Brother Hector Mackenzie presiding the well attended Lodge comprising 22 Past Masters and 6 or so Master Masons was opened in the EA degree with solemn prayer.
RWPGM Robin Cattanach, RWM Rob Wison, RWIM Mike Turner
There being no business the Lodge proceeded to The Installation Ceremony by handing the Gavel of Authority to the RW Installing Master Bro. Mike Turner.
The usual formalities observed Bro Rob Wilson was installed as Master of Lodge Kyle.
RWPGM congratulates the new RWM of Lodge Kyle
The Office Bearers were ably installed by PM James Tate as per Election with Bros. Steven Whittaker and Paul Newton to be installed at a later date. There was an interesting explanation of “The Sash”. The Addresses were made by PM Ewan Smith and the IM presented the Gavel of Authority to the RWM and the RWM presented to his Lodge.
The RWM thanked the Installing Master and his team for a superb effort with the Brethren agreeing heartily.
RWPGMORAC Bro Robin Cattanach congratulated the RWM and was pleased to see a younger Master in The Chair. He also found PM Tait’s history of the Masonic sash interesting. Lastly he wished all the Brethren a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Charity Box was circulated and raised the good sum of £115. This will go to The Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund
The Brethren of every Lodge represented congratulated both the RWM on his new office and the Installing Team on a superb job. They were Lodges:- Fingal, St Martin, St Duthus, Eval, StKilda, Macdonald of Sleat, Fort William, Rosehaugh, Robertson’s.
The RWM then presented a bottle of Whisky to the Main participants of the Installing Team namely Bros. Mike Turner, Jim Tait and Ewan Smith in recognition of their assistance and dedication this evening. A souvenir colour Programme of The Installation was produced by Bro Turner and much appreciated by all. The RWM wished everyone a wonderful time at Christmas and in the New Year.
The Lodge was then closed in Due and Antient Form. An outstanding Harmony was held with Lodge Kyle providing home baking and savouries, washed down with tea and refreshments.
You can download the Installation 2016 souvenir programme here kindly designed and printed by PM Mike Turner from Lodge St Martin 1217 in Ullapool.
Lodge Kyle saw a superb turnout of most of the Brethren despite chilly weather.
The Secretary outlined the parts in the Installation Ceremony played by the visiting team led by Mike Turner as Installing Master. Bro Turner’s proposed Programme was read out and generally approved by the Brethren.
A Printed programme for The Installation will be produced and requires a Logo for Lodge Kyle. The “ship, railway, bridge” logo created for The Lodge Kyle Centenary was formally adopted as our Logo. (The logo can be seen on our website at the top right of the page.
The Brethren agreed no formal rehearsal was required, but a brief run-through was conducted after the Meeting by the participants.
RWPGMORAC Bro Robin Cattanach said to the Secretary that he would be delighted to attend and take part in the 1117 Installation Ceremony.
The Charity Box was circulated and raised the good sum of £58. This will go to General Funds.
With this hos last Meeting in the Chair, Bro Paul Newton heartily thanked all the Brethren for their support and attendance during his year in Office and trusted the Installation should go well in his absence. He also wished the Brethren a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year in 2017. Bro Callum Mackenzie thanked the Master on behalf of all the Brethren and the Brethren applauded the RWM.
The RWM reminded all Brethren that the first Meeting in the new year will be the SECOND Monday (9th January) and not the first.
The Lodge was then closed in Due and Antient Form after which the Brethren discussed the forthcoming installation.
The main business of the evening was proposing the Office bearers for 2017. RWM Bro Paul Newton intimated his wish to step down this year and that he will not be attending the installation. The RWM also noted that we have only had one “Installation Dinner” and a Centenary Dinner as far as he could recall. The following are the nominations:-
Installing Master : To Be Decided
SW – Hector Mackenzie
JW - Callum Mackenzie
SD - Roger Cundiff
JD – Paul Newton
IG – Donnie Gordon
OG – Willie Gillespie
RWM – Rob Wilson
Secretary – Ronnie Miller
Treasurer – Mickey Moore
Raffle Tickets for the Grand Lodge of Scotland’s Benevolence are still available. Remember to order Masonic Diaries at £10 - email call Ronnie. Lastly Poppy Scotland were to receive the collection this evening and the Lodge would match it; i.e. double it. We are therefore sending £72 to the Poppy Appeal.
TWO extra Meetings will be held at the Hall this month in preparation for Bro Robert Wilson's Installation.
After the Meeting the Brethren carried on discussion about the Installation - eveyone seems keen to get started!
The Treasurer intimated that before receipts of this year’s test fees, currently £50, the lodge would have a deficit in the year’s so far of -£312 . He hoped the Brethren would pay their dues quickly this year at the December meeting so the current shortfall could be negated.
The main business of the evening was a FIRST DEGREE for Mr Derek Maclean who entered the Lodge properly prepared and was put through the degree by our RWM Bro Paul Newton, ably assisted by most of the Brethren of Lodge Kyle. The Charity Box was circulated during the degree and raised a good sum which will go to the Benevolent Fund. Bro Maclean was congratulated for his attention to the degree and the manner in which he answered the questions put to him.
The RWM intimated the 300 Centenary of the Grand Lodge of England would be celebrated shortly and tickets for the dinner would be £160 each. The Secretary intimated that Raffle Tickets for the Grand Lodge of Scotland’s Benevolence are still available.
PM Hector Mackenzie took the opportunity to congratulate the Candidate on his first Degree and hoped he would have a promising Masonic Career. Visitors from Lodges 1379 and 319 both congratulated the Candidate on his Degree and Lodge Kyle’s warm welcome as well as their work on a good 1st degree. The Secretary noted we urgently need to choose a new Master from amongst our members as the current Master will be retiring this year. He also said that Masonic Diaries will be available and Brethren can order one now. We have 5 ordered already and need 10 to place an order.
The Lodge was then closed in Due and Antient Form and a sucessful and well attended Harmony followed the meeting. A raffle was held and Bro Hector won a superb bottle of 12 year old malt whisky.
The Brethren turned out to welcome the new season of Freemasonly in Kyle and Lochalsh. The main business of the evening was holding a Ballot for and then organising the Degree for a new Candidate who was approved by the Comittee the previous week. A rehearsal was fixed for 26th September at 7pm in the Lodge.
It was also great to see the a Past Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Bro Morris Downie who had come to visit from afar before the winter weather set in. He was made most welcome and enjoyed the Meeting.
Looking through the archive of materials gathered over the years I happened across a programme / magazine issued specifically for the Ross and Cromarty Masonic Celebration and Dinner in 2000. Within its pages, which document all the Lodges in the Province, is a picture of the Office bearers in Lodge Kyle in that year. Many are still reglar attenders. The Lodge that year comprised: - Hector Morrison, Hector MacKenzie, Simpson Barclay, Mike Moore, Roddy MacPherson, Seamus Maguire, Donnie Gordon, John MacDougall, Donald MacKenziew, Donald MacLeod, Rodger Cundiff, Brian Morrison, Donald MacLennan, Kenneth Black, James Strachan, Bruce Taylor and Alasdair MacRae. Please let me know if I missed anyone.
Some Lodge Kyle office berarers in 2000, RWM Hector Morrison presiding.
2nd May 2016 MEETING (Provincial Visitation)
A super turnout by "Provincial" made for a busy and informative meeting and harmony thereafter (pictured above). The main event of the evening was a demonstration of an Irish First Degree. All brethren performed admirably and the contrast betwen this and the Scottish Degree was easy to see; as were the similarities. Bro Robin Cattenach was standing in for Bro Bill Ross who could not make it this evening due to last minute personal reasons. The RWPGM was handed the maul by the RWM and poke favourably about Lodge Kyle. He also hoped that the Lodge would be represented at the forthcoming Lodge of Sorrow in Aultbea at Lodge Loch Ewe1551. Bro Andy Henderson who called to say he could not make it said that Loch Ewe will be initiating a new Candidate shortly with perhaps another couple in the wings. Great news for this Lodge!
Lodge Kyle also has a Candidate which will sit on the table
for a month after his details were read out in open Lodge and an interview scheduled for him on September 5th at 7.30pm after Summer Recess. The Lodge was closed and a lively Harmony held which was enjoyed by all!
The next meeting will be Monday September 5th at 7.30pm
A great meeting this evening with visitors from all over the Highlands. We also had a complete run-through of the Irish 3rd Degree and will be meeting up through the month (Mon 25th at 7pm) for a final rehearsal. We also decided that we would fund the 2000 club at Grand Lodge which over the years since its foundation in 2000 has raised the staggering sum of (over) 250,000 pounds.
The RWPGM of Ross and Cromarty Bro Bill Ross who was present told us of the work at Provincial and a couple of events coming up :- The Installation of a new PGM for which the ceremony will take place within the Duthac Centre, Shandwick Street, Tain, IV19 1BQ, on Saturday 25th June 2016 at 1.00 p.m. with photographs being taken at 12 noon, under the direction of Grand Director of Ceremoniesand the Lodge of Sorrow Sunday 8th May at 3.00 p.m. within Lodge Loch Ewe, Aultbea.
This evening there was plenty of discussion and a rehearsal for a 1st Degree as it is performed in the Irish Constitution. After the main business several brethren intimated that numbers of brethren attending Masonic Lodges throughout our local region was down. The RWM said he noticed the same thing at his Mother Lodge in Ireland, although one Lodge (an exceptional one) had over 50 brethren attending. He said we should be encouraging anyone showing an interest in Freemasonry to join or explain to them what Freemasonry was all about. He used the example from a book he was reading called "The Barbed Wire University" to illustrate that even in war time Freemasons were able to set up a Lodge within the prison despite extreme penalties for doing so. At this point Donnie Gordon said that Jimmy Mackenzie (ex Marine Stores in Kyle) a regular attender and Master of Lodge Kyle was actually the RWM in a POW Lodge under extreme and difficult conditions. It was also mentioned that Freemasons were one of Hitler’s targets for Concentration Camps and in fact some 80,000 Freemasons (minimum) were persecuted by the Nazis. This was largely due to one Reinhard Heydrich who created a special section of the SS Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst; SD) to deal specifically with Freemasonry. The meeting was then closed in due and antient form. Afterwards discussion on various topics continued at the Harmony. A very satisfying Meeting for all.
We had enough brethren to have our meeting this evening which actually demonstrated the dedication of the members because the weather was so awful that some of the brethern actually found it impossible to make their way to Kyle because of the high winds and rain.
Anyway once the Lodge was opened the RWM distributed copies of the Irish First Degree Ritual which PM Seamus
Macguire has printed up some years previously. The RWM took the role of “Conductor” and brethren volunteered for other roles, namely :- Callum – Tools, Ronnie – RWIM, Rob – part of the Conductor’s ritual. Through the month the RWM has asked the brethren to choose parts they think they could learn. We can finalise the parts at the MARCH meeting. The Brethren found The Irish Ritual “run through” very interesting and informative.
There being no further business the Lodge was closed in due and antient form. We all made our way home safely with storm having subsided slightly.
We had a good turnout and visiting Brethren; so the meeting went well. The RWM intimated he has some ideas for the coming year with one idea in December of this year needing thought now! This would be the installation of the new Master and his Dinner if we decide to have one. The Brethren thought there was no reason why not and the RWM said he would investigate locations and prices.
He also noted that food was left over at the last Harmony and with a little forethought we could avoid at least some of the waste.
The RWM intimated that the installation of the new Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty, will be on 25th June 2016. The name put forward to Grand Lodge for approval is PM Robin Cattanach.
An ad hoc meeting between the old and new Secretaries and Treasurers
will be held on Monday 18th at one of the Brethren's homes to ensure a smooth transition from the old guard to the new.
Monies for Charity was also discussed, and as a benevolent organisation we will be giving to worthy causes.
The RWM, himself a Past Master in both the English and Irish Constitutions (as well as the Scottish) handed round
a copy of the Irish 1st Degree Ritual for us to see.
The meeting was closed in due and ancient form and the brethren stayed a while for a blether.
With visitors aplenty our installation went well with Brother Paul Newton installed as Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Kyle for the ensuing 12 months.
Installing Master William Gillespie performed superbly as did his team with special emphasis on the younger brethren who despite lack of experience (and nerves)
delivered the ritual perfectly.
PGM congratulates the new RWM
The Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty said that all the participants did well and that in other news Bro Robin Cattanach (also in attendance) would be taking over from him in the new year. Bro Bill had also attended the installation in Grand Lodge Edinburgh where over 800 sat down for the meal afterwards!
However before the meeting proceeded a special presentation By the PGM William Ross and RWM Mickey Moore saw retiring officers of the Lodge Donnie Gordon (secretary 37 years) and John MacDougall (Treasurer 32 years) presented with Certificates of Distinguished Service and inscribed boxed sets of miniature working tools. Both recipients were understandably pleased with this small token of their fellow brethren's appreciation of their long dedication to Masonic duties.
The newly installed RWM of Lodge Kyle 1117 Paul Newton wished everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous year in 2016.
Donnie and John with their Distinguished Service Certificates and Tools
L-R John MacDougall, RWPGM William Ross, Donnie Gordon
After the meeting there was a warm and active Harmony at which there was a table heaving with home made food. The new Master proposed the usual toasts and recited some poetry as did PM Gillespie all of which was appreciated wholeheartedly by the Brethren.
DECEMBER 7th 2015 (Regular Meeting)
A windy day saw a good attendance at the Lodge and also some visitors. Our Treasurer noted that we saved 130 pounds from the Lodge's annual insurance premium - just by asking the insurance company for a discount!
RWM welcomed us and indicated the main work of the evening would be a rehearsal for the following week's Installation Meeting. We therefore finalised the officer bearers for 2016 and closed the Lodge.
Working through the ritual for the Installation it became apparent that the newer amongst our number required an explanation of where to stand, how to proceed round the room and enter etc. It was heartening to note that they asked questions about these things rather than stay silent and in the end I believe most of use learned something we either were unsure about or had forgotten some time ago. The rehearsal went well and all the brethren are looking forward to the Installation. The RWM requested we bring food for the Harmony as we are expecting visitors and a deputation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty.
The RWM Mickey Moore welcomed everyone to a well attended meeting this evening. The main business of the evening was the election of office bearers.
All the usual office were filled by brethren moving up a chair, with the exception of Treasurer who this coming year will be PM Mickey Moore.
We also assigned the parts for the Installation Ceremony and once again IM will be Willie Gillespie. The brethren have nearly all got a part to play in this year's ceremony with the newer brethren also given some responsibilities.
With Remebrance Day coming up it was decided by all present that we would send a small contribution of 100 pounds to Poppy Scotland who do great work providing assistance for our country's ex-servicemen and women. A short harmony was held after the meeting,
This evening we formalised the resignation of two stalwarts of the Lodge; The Secretary Donnie Gordon and The Treasurer John MacDougall. Both have been in their offices so long, we just have to take their word for it that they have performed their duties flawlessly for 37 years and 32 years respectively, because none of the rest of us were there to witness the first time they were initiated into arguably the two most responsible “jobs” in The Lodge. We just know that what we have seen of their work is exemplary.
It should be said, that to a man, we all appreciate Brothers Donnie and John’s outstanding service, thank them both for their years in office and wish them a long and happy retirement in the body of the Lodge.
Both Bros. John and Donnie have offered to offer any and all assistance to the incumbents and its not doubted that they will take up the generous offer.
The new Secretary for Lodge Kyle will be Bro Ronnie Miller who although keen, is the first to admit that it will be a very, very long time before he can fill the boots of such a distinguished predecessor.
A new Treasurer has still to be chosen.
We also made our choice for the new Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty. That choice was unanimous in The Depute Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Bro. Robin Cattanach.
We were also honoured by the presence of The Past Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Bro. Morris Downie who had come over for a visit. We were very pleased to see him and hear what he had to say about Grenada and Malawi.
Our thanks also to all our visitors on that evening who made the journey over the hill to see us. A short Harmony was held after the meeting.
Sadly tonight's meeting was not well attended by the 1117 brethren due to illness and the end of the holiday season; in the end only 5 local brethren were present. However we DID have a good few visitors including the Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Br William Ross and the Depute Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Bro Robin Cattanach. Joining them from the province were three other brethren, two of whom thankfully filled in as Junior Deacon and Inner Guard so our short meeting could take place.
We originally intended to vote for the new PGM because the two candidates were both in attendance:- Past Masters Donald Gunn and Robin Cattanch. However it was decided that there were too few brethren present to have a vote for such an important office.
Bro Donnie Gordon our Secretary is to step down at the end of the year after many, many years of flawless duty. He is much appreciated by all within the Lodge AND further afield. More on this in October.
Lastly RWPGM William Ross updated us on the success of the Solar Pump in Malawi which is going great with absolutely no bills whatsover.
The Lodge was duly closed and a short Harmony held while the brethren caught up on local matters and what's happening around the Province.
MAY 2015
The last meeting before Summer Recess; so please remember new brethren that there are no meetings until the first Monday (7th) in September.
This evening we were privileged to see over a dozen "Provincial" Brethren led by The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro William Ross. Provincial on their annual visitation to Kyle and half a dozen visitors too. Also visiting was Bro Ramsay McGhee who is now Depute Grand Master. The Brethren of Lodge Kyle congratulated Ramsay and are proud to have one of our Province's number represent Freemasonry at its highest level.
The RWPGM Bro Bill Ross updated us on the situation in Malawi at Mountain View School which is dire. Due to storm damage the crops will probably fail. The local people have little money and cannot afford tuition fees. The school itself was damaged (the electrics) adding further to School’s financial burden. However the Race Night raised an incredible 4000 pounds and Lodge Kyle was able to add a further small but useful 300 pounds to this total. This will enough to pay the teacher and manage repairs. Every penny will go to the school; funds being managed by the local Lodge.
SPRING (April 2015)
RWM Bro Moore had installed the new heaters in the Lodge by the time we met. They work efficiently and are a vast improvement on the ailing floor heaters and their archaic wiring. The Brethren congratulated the Master on a job well done.
The meeting was short as we had a rehearsal for the Second Degree to be held on the date of the Provincial Visit. We carried out the rehearsal while the Lodge was still open and all participants were almost word perfect. We decided to be sure of a good performance we would re-convene ONE week before our May meeting on Monday 27th April at 7pm. The Lodge was duly closed.
Another cold and snowy evening did not prevent the Brethren from turning out for this well attended meeting. Even the Provincial Grand Master, Bro William Ross came all the way from Tain to be with us this evening. He told us about the Provincial visit to Malawi and how Bro Ramsay McGhee is now Depute Grand Master of Grand Lodge.
Last week while in Inverness, The Rght Worshipful Master Bro. Mickey Moore was in Screwfix and discovered roomheaters with fans for 22 pounds. As they were so cheap he brought this to the attention of the Brethren who agreed with him and we agreed that we should acquire some for the Lodge.
We also carried out a rehearsal of a Second Degree which we intend to perform for the Provincial visitation in May
Further to our discussion on Masonic Knowledge we have created a list for the Brethren to research. Click the link above, choose a subject and let the RWM know what subject you are interested in (so we dont all learn the same thing.) Once you are happy you have researched the subject deeply enough you can give a presentation to the Brethren of the Lodge so that they too will have a deeper understanding of Masonic Symbolism and Philosophy.
Despite an inch or two snow on the minor roads we had a super turn-out for our February meeting. Beforehand though we met in committee to admit a new brother to our band of craftsmen. This being completed the meeting proper was held and a ballot carried out after which we welcomed Bro Whittaker from the English Constitution into the Scottish Craft. We are honoured to have Neil in our Lodge.
Our RWM Bro. Moore reported back on the situation as regards electric heaters. Mike said his research led him to believe that cheaper heaters were a false economy and so we would be acquiring 5 good quality units (4 for the Lodge Room which has no windows to leak heat) and 1 for the ante room / kitchen. The RWM will advance the acquisition of heaters in conjunction with the treasurer.
For the first 3 months of this year we will be perfecting a second Degree, which we will carry out during the Provincial Visitation with our new Brother as the Candidate.
Bro Miller reported back on topics for Lodges of Instruction in the second half of 2015 which include such items as Famous Freemasons and how they incorporate Masonic content into their works. Or.. A study of the pillars and their full meaning. A full list of topics will be posted on the tracing board and here on the Lodge Kyle 1117 Website from which we can choose a topic for our mini-lecture.
A minute's silence was observed for our Bro Donald John Morrison of Church Road in Kyle who has gone to the Grand Lodge Above.
Finally a big thank you to Brother Newton provided us with a much needed new light for the Secretary and Treasurers Desk.
There was a very good attendance of brethren for our first meeting of the year with our new RWM Bro Michael Moore in the Chair.
It was noted that the electric heaters were of some age now and that they should be replaced as soon as possible as they were inefficient with respect to both heat and cost. The RWM said he would obtain prices for replacements.
As there are currently no candidates we will hold Loges of Instruction and also prepare a Degree Team with a 1st Degree as the first task.
We do however have a Member of the Craft from the English Constitution who would like to join Lodge Kyle and to this end a brief Meeting of Enquiry will be held with all office bearers in attendance (Committee of Enquiry) half an hour before our next meeting in February at 7.30pm. The Regular Lodge Meeting of course at 8pm as usual.
This evening Lodge Kyle welcomed sizeable delegations from both Lodge Macdonald of Sleat and Lodge St Kilda to join us in the Installation of Brother Michael Moore as Right Worshipful Master and the Brethren of the Lodge into their respective offices for 2015.
The ceremony of Installation was led with skill and dignity by Bro William Gillespie as RWIM.
Retiring Master Callum MacKenzie wished the new RWM every success for the coming year and Bro Moore in return thanked Callum for all the hard work and effort (not to mention 9 degrees) that he put in during his term in office. All the Brethren similarly recognise Callum's superb efforts over the course of the year.
After the Meeting a Harmony was held and greatly enjoyed by every brother in attendance.
We had a few apologies at the meeting but it was actually a great atmosphere in which to conduct a "run through" for the INSTALLATION when Brother Moore goes into the Chair 8th Dec - Lodge Tyled at 8pm.
As we are expecting at least three groups of visitors we would ask the brethren to prepare & bring food.
Also ... RWM Callum MacKenzie last week was over in Fortrose where a degree was worked with just Installed Masters in the offices for the benefit of visitors from Trinidad and Tobago. The event went down a treat and a great time was had by all. The visitors from the Caribbean came up to Ross and Cromarty via Lanarkshire and Inverness and are returning via London.
Lastly the total raised for Poppy Scotland in November 2014 by 275 individual Lodges was 14,521 pounds. Grand Lodge and Provincial Lodges made additional contributions bringing the grand total to 21,000 pounds.
A super turn out by just the local brethren saw Bro M O'Neill raised to the sublime degree. The questions were answered perfectly and afterwards a wee harmony was enjoyed by all.
The new office bearers for 2015 were proposed and next month will be elected (1st Dec Meeting) and installed into their respective offices (8th Dec).
In the interim our Master RW Callum MacKenzie will be representing Lodge Kyle at the Provincial Quarterly Communication in Cromarty.
Please note that Test Fees will be due next month and are paid to the Treasurer Bro John MacDougall.
Another very blowy day put many off travelling in and around the Highlands this evening and so our Third Degree
was a little quieter than expected. Paul had put the coal fire on in both rooms so it was a lovely warm and cosy atmosphere. However the recent weather did not detract from what turned out to be an excellend meeting and almost flawless performance of ritual by the main protagonists. Bro A MacKenzie was duly raised and a short harmony held thereafter the meeting.
As discussed at the last meeting Poppy Scotland were given TWO collections as a donation this year which Hector made round at 100 pounds.
The Rhoddies at the front of the Lodge were again cut down. Our thanks to our Brother's initiative.
RWM Callum MacKenzie and his Third Degree Team
This morning saw winds of 115mph in the Cairngorm mountains and the Skye Bridge closed. This may have contributed to the low numbers for our Third Degree evening. Brother Fraser performed flawlessly as did most of the Lodge Kyle Brethren.
Poppy Scotland were again offering "Lodge Poppies" for display through the Remembrance period. It was decided to buy poppies to the amount of the collection this week and then again in two weeks time (ie total monies from the two meetings).
We also discussed the legal aspects of having pictures taken of our members and those of visiting Brethren. It was pointed out by Grand Lodge that permission is required if a photograph is taken and subsequently published in Newspapers and Websites etc. To obviate the necessity of getting signatures from everyone in group photos we proposed putting printed "waiver" message beside "The Book" to the effect of ... By signing the book you acknowledge that if photos are taken in the Lodge - it will ONLY be after it is clearly announced with an explicit option to opt out of the photo if you wish. It will also be stated to what use the image will be put. Only then will a photo be taken of those who wish to be included and by doing so you give your permission for its use.
After the meeting was a very enjoyable wee Harmony where the boys scoffed food prepared in anticipation of a larger meeting. A good time was had by all.
Through the month Bruce cleared the brambles from outside the Lodge and the bruck removed by Willie and some of the other Brethren. Paul discovered a Summer invader, a bramble that managed to squeeze six feet of itself into the lodge from outside. It was duly expelled.
AUTUMN MEETING - 1st September 2014
With a couple of visitors and office bearers present the new Masonic season got off to a good start in Lodge Kyle.
We discussed the forthcoming Third Degrees for 3 Fellows of Craft and a rehearsal was fixed for the last Monday in September at 7pm at Lodge Kyle.
We also talked about the degrees and their meaning with respect to candidates and also how long should be given to candidates between Degrees for the information they are given during the Degree to "sink in". It is generally thought throughout the Province that perhaps not enough time is given to candidates between degrees and that we should adopt a Mentoring System whereby an experienced Freemason will take the new member of the Craft under his wing for the first year so that if there are any questions or wee bits of the Degree that are slip over the candidate during the degree itself, the Mentor is available to fill out these lost details in the month(s) after the degree.
The mentoring should be pro-active in other words information and guidance would not just be provided when requested by the candidate, but instruction given in a rather more structured fashion. Tools and Symbolism was mentioned as a starting point. The structure of mentoring could be taken under advice from provincial level so all lodges are providing new candidates and Master Masons with a basic, solid grounding in the Craft.
It was also suggested by our Past Provincial Grand Master Morris Downie who was visiting this evening that perhaps we could have a card with 3 tick boxes for each Degree. Each box represents a visit to a Lodge where the candidate can witness the Degree that he has just been put through; essentially so he can see the Degree from "the outside". Only when he has witnessed three degrees will he be considered for passing and raising. ie His card has been marked!
Another idea from Morris was that the candidate had to present a little lecture on his current degree thus proving his proficiency in said degree.
A super turn out and a super night.
Out main item of business was Brother Ally MacKenzie' Second Degree. His Questions were answered flawlessly and he paid excellent attention to the degree. The RWPGM and our own Master congratulated Ally on his second step up the Masonic ladder.
Please click the photo above for a bigger version
(opens in new window)
Tonight was also the official visit of The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty (Bro William Ross) and his delegation. Our books were inspected and confirmed to be in good order. Brother Henry Cameron gave a synopsis of Lodge Kyle's activities from a provincial viewpoint. Tonight's meeting realistically marked the end of our Centenary year. Tempus Fugit!
The RWPGM (Bro Bill Ross) said he was very pleased at our efforts for the Food Bank and acknowledgement must go to our own Bro Rob Wilson who worked especially hard to purchase food in bulk. Rob was later lost for words when the Lodge presented him with an inscribed Masonic Wine decanter / carafe as a small wedding gift.
The raffle ( the 1st prize was a hamper) tonight was won by Bro Hector Mackenzie.
Finally... for all new brethren - The Lodge will now break for summer; the next meeting being the first Monday in September. You can see our Schedule for the rest of 2014 here >> lodge meetings and events This link can be accessed from the left hand menu.
Two further dates in May 2014 for the Brethren to optionally attend:-
Sunday 11th May 3pm - Lodge of Sorrow in Lodge Seaforth in Fortrose
Wednesday 28th May 8pm - Provincial AGM & Installation in Lodge Fingal
HIGHLAND FOODBANK - 29th April 2014
An offer was made this month to renable us to pool resources for our contribution to The Highland Foodbank. This enabled us to purchase essential supplies wholesale and therefore make our pounds go that little bit further. Well I am happy to say that thanks to our efforts and those of Rob in particular we now have part of our donation ready to go to the Foodbank. Note that we are still accepting donations of food (dry goods or tinned preferred).
A beautiful evening "all the way over" from Dingwall to Kyle heralded the Mark degree ceremony in Lodge Kyle. The degrees were conferred by Lodge Fingal 318 on FOUR brethren this evening.
The Fingal degree team took over after the Lodge was opened and a flawless ceremony was much enjoyed by everyone present and especially those being Marked.
The photo below shows only about half of the brethren from Dingwall who turned out in force.
After the meeting there was a great wee harmony where a couple of bottles were raffled.
A huge and sincere thank you to the Master and Brethren from our neighbouring Lodge!
The degree team from Lodge Fingal 318
We held an extra meeting this month to facilitate the working of a Double 2nd Degree for Bros. Mathew O'Neill and Neil Fraser. Both answered the questions very well and both gained their second degree in due course. Our hearty congratulations to them. A small but warm harmony was held thereafter in the Lodge.
The Provincial Grand Master, Brother William Ross has decided to continue his support for the Blythswood Highland Food Bank for the coming year.
There is an ever increasing demand for the services of this Charity and any contribution of food or cash your Lodge can make, this will be gratefully received and passed on. Please note that like the need for emergency food, this is an on-going project. The foodbank in Kyle of Lochalsh is siyuated in the Lighthouse Christian Centre and is open on Fridays 10.30 - 14.00
Their Email is info@southskyelochalsh.foodbank.org.uk
Items that are ideal for a food bank are:-
Milk (UHT or powder)
Sugar (500g)
Fruit Juice carton / Diluting Squash
Pasta Sauces
Sponge Pudding Tinned
Tomatoes Tinned
Rice Pudding Tinned
Tea Bags
Instant Coffee
Instant Mashed Potato
Tinned Meat / Tinned Ham / Corned Beef
Tinned Tuna / Salmon
Tinned Fruit
Snack Bars
SERENDIPITY 8th April 2014
We had a double Second Degree planned for this evening, however due to unforseen circumstances both candidates could not attend Lodge. We had visitors from the following Lodges in attendance: 1038 Thorntree, 881 St Kilda, 4711 Knighton, 1379 MacDonald of Sleat and 308 Loge De Vijf Punten Nederlands (The 5 Points Lodge, Holland). So rather than let down our visitors the RWM Bro. Callum MacKenzie decided we would work a mock degree. Bro. Herman Overmars from the Netherlands volounteered as candidate to gain first hand experience of a degree in the Scottish Constitution; a duty he performed admirably.
After the Lodge was closed there was a most enjoyable Harmony.
Two important forthcoming items:-
Lodge Fingal will be coming over to Lodge Kyle on Monday 28th to work a Mark Degree for at least three of the brethren in Lodge Kyle. This should be a well attended meeting with lots of visitors. (8pm)
Lodge Kyle will be working a DOUBLE Second Degree on Tuesday 22nd April (8pm) to catch up on the missed business of 7th April.
A WELCOME VISITOR 31st March 2014
We had arranged for a practice to iron out any glitches in the floorwork in our forthcoming second degree and had just begun proceedings when a visitor arrived. Bro Herman Overmars from a Lodge in Holland joined us for the rehearsal. Herman said he had seen our notice of rehearsal on the Lodge Kyle website. He much enjoyed the "Kyle" version of a second degree. We in return were exceptionally pleased to welcome into our country Lodge and hope to see him at a proper meeting sometime in the future.
The power of the internet brethren!
A DOUBLE FIRST 3rd March 2014
Its been many years since Lodge Kyle has seen two candidates go through a first degree together. However Bros Mackenzie and O'Neil did just that without incident this evening witnessed by The Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Bro William Ross and visitors from within and outwith the Province.
An Explanation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board was carried out by PM Mackenzie of Lodge Fingal and it was unanimously agreed his ritual was flawless and much appreciated by all.
A successful harmony followed the Meeting.
RWPGM William Ross and Master of Lodge Kyle with the two new Entered Apprentices
The Provincial Grand Master, Brother William Ross has decided to continue his support for the Blythswood Highland Food Bank for the coming year.
There is an ever increasing demand for the services of this Charity and any contribution of food or cash
your Lodge can make, this will be gratefully received and passed on.
BRING YOUR DONATIONS TO YOUR OWN REGULAR LODGE MEETINGS – The appeal is on-going so keep donations coming in.
8th February
Hard work pays off. The final stages of the Lodge roof repairs were completed this week when Donnie and Roddy Stewart raised a scaffold to place a wee curved patch on the roof to cover the hole in the plaster caused by the water ingress over the past few years. With the roof repaired inside and out, Donnie says all that remains now is some final colour matching.
Roddy working aloft
The patch in place.
February Meeting
Before the Meeting, two interviews for prospective candidates were held and subsequently during the Meeting a Ballot was taken of the Brethren.
Tonight the main event was working of a First Degree in which all participants "performed" admirably. The candidate was welcomed into the Lodge and all present wished him well in his Masonic career after taking this first important step in Freemasonry.
There were 14 members from Lodge Kyle attending, a similar number from Lodge Priory, more from Lodges Fingal, St Andrew and St Kilda and of course some regular visitors from the Province and representation the Provincial Lodge of Ross and Cromarty. All in all a SUPERB turnout by all present and very much appreciated by the 1117 Brethren.
Lodge Kyle hopes the visitors will take our Fraternal greetings from Lodge Kyle back to their respective lodges.
After the Meeting, we had our pictures taken (below) and had a delicious and convival Harmony. The tables were literally groaning with all manner of food and our thanks go to the producers thereof.
A bigger picture can be seen by clicking the above image
use the back button to get back here ~
January Meeting
First of all may we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Our first meeting of the year is always held on the SECOND Monday of the month and this year got off to a fabulous start with Brother Secretary formally announcing three new candidates. Our first candidate will be being put through his degree on 3rd February.
We also received a letter from the NHS thanking us for the three TVs we donated to the Respite Centre in Broadford. They specifically mentioned the fact that the TVs were purchased, delivered and installed in centre within 24hrs of the idea being first proposed. A perfect example of three Lodges working cooperatively : Lodges Kyle, MacDonald, St Kilda).
December Installation Meeting
It was most heartening to see visitors from across the Province and from further afield attend our small Lodge for Bro Callum MacKenzie's Installation.
The Ceremony itself was poignant and enjoyable with a flawless execution of ritual from our Installing Master Bro William Gillespie. The other Brethren of Lodge Kyle acquitted themselves with equal aplomb eliciting very positive comments from Past Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty Brother
Maurice Downie.
The IPM Brother Miller was presented with a super jewel for which he thanked
all the brethren of Lodge Kyle.
During the Harmony our Christmas Raffle was drawn and the Prize winners are as follows
A Luxury Rotary Sports Watch - R Cundiff
A Cash sum of 50 pounds - C Smith
A Bottle of fine Malt Whisky - W Gillespie
A Roberts Radio Alarm Clock - G Phillips
A Deer Scarer
- A Henderson
And finally...
May we all at Lodge Kyle wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2014
December Regular Meeting (2nd December)
Elections were held and all the major offices filled. Bro Callum MacKenzie was duly elected to be installed as RWM at the Installation meeting a week hence. A new Candidate was proposed and Ballot Held. His proposer will inform him of the result.
A £1 per ticket Raffle will be held and winners drawn at the Installation Meeting comprising of the following major prizes:-
A Luxury Rotary Sports Watch with lifetime guarantee.
A Cash sum of 50 pounds
A Bottle of fine Malt Whisky
The Lodge was then close and a very thorough rehearsal for the Installation Meeting was held.
November Regular Meeting (4th November)
With the first snows on the Cuillin Ridge the Lodge filled with regular members. We were all pleased to note that despite the torrential rain last week, the roof repairs held up.
The Treasurer's Report also held up to scrutiny and in fact the Lodge is in very "good shape".
Thanks went to Bro Rodger Cundiff for the framing our Charter - a very much appreciated act of kindness which will preserve the document for another 100 years.
There was no trouble in filling the primary offices for next year. The emphasis was on giving the younger Brethren a chance at these importance duties.
We also sold the last Centenary Jewel and in fact if any of the Brethren wish to purchase a Centenary souvenir, they should act quickly as supplies have almost run out; so contact our Treasurer if you want one.
Annual subscriptions are now due (60 pounds) and these should also be handed into the Treasurer.
Last months collection was handed to a very appreciatative Poppy Appeal.
October Regular Meeting (7th October)
This evening we had two visitors from the Province : Bro Andy Henderson (IPM Lodge Fingal 318) and Bro Morris Downie (PPGM Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty & Lodge St Martin 1217). Both enjoyed their visit and added greatly to the proceedings.
It is with great pleasure I can write here that the roof in Lodge Kyle is now repaired. Donnie Gordon our Secretary. organised the work to be done and it was carried out both promptly and expertly with the joiners commenting that the roof (apart from the obvious damage) was in an excellent state or repair due to the considerable skill and dedication of the original craftsmen.
We have also proposed a candidate to become the new Master of Lodge Kyle; Bro Calum MacKenzie. It is expected that this will be formally adopted at our next meeting at which we elect Office Bearers and the Master for 2014.
Autumn Meeting : Monday 2nd September
A small but productive meeting with 8 masons present.
On a sadder note The RWM spoke of the Passing on 12th August 2013 of Brother Hector Morrison. 53 years in the Craft, Hector was one of the the most widely respected brethren in the Province. His funeral filled both the Kyle Church of Scotland and also the adjoining hall; with even more mourners outside in the sunshine. He will be very much missed.
We have decided to take action on the leaking roof and to this end Donnie is contacting a builder for investigation, quote and possible repair work.
After three years in Office RWM Bro Ronnie Miller will be retiring as Master and to this end has asked the Brethren to consider nominations for the new Master of Lodge Kyle.
Quarterly Communication : Wednesday 28th August
The Quarterly Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty was held for this quarter in Lodge Kyle. The meeting which was chaired by RWPGM William Ross was well attended and it is indeed a heartening sight to see so many of the Provincial Brethren make the long journey "over the hill" from the East Coast to 1117. There was also a good turn out of local brethren who helped provide for the much appreciated Harmony after the Meeting.
Master's visit to Lodge Fortrose 108
The best weather of the year suggested the opportunity to hop on the boat to Lewis and visit the boys at Lodge Fortrose 108.
My journey was from Uig on Skye to Tarbert on the Isle of Harris. The short voyage across the Minch was idyllic with myself and other passengers on deck in T-shirts!
Similarly the journey from Tarbert up to Stornoway in Lewis was breathtakingly beautiful as anyone who has been to the isles at this time of year will know.
I was made to feel most welcome by the brethren who had also been enjoying the good weather. Business was conducted in a most professional manner and it was heartening to note that the Lodge founded in 1767 was coping with the "market forces" of the 21st Century and sucessfully addressing problems common to all lodges in the Province. A most enjoyable visit!
Bro. John MacDonald RWM Lodge Fortrose in Stronoway, Isle of Lewis with RWM Lodge Kyle Ronnie Miller. Below is an exterior view of Lodge Fortrose
An Acarsaid
Bro Ewen Smith was speaking to Catherine a manager at the An Acarsaid Centre in Broadford. She intimated they were having problems with TVs and getting them checked every time new "Respite" visitors came for a break at the Centre. The complication is that every new resident's TV has to be checked for insurance purposes by a qualified tester which slows the process of checking in a new short term resident (staying typically only a week or two).
Ewen suggested Lodges MacDonald, St Kilda and Kyle donate a TV (with integrated DVD player and Freeview); one to each of the three "Respite" rooms in the centre.
In less than 24 hours the job was done and a couple of days later The Masters of the Lodges Kyle (Ronnie Miller) and MacDonald (Ewen Robertson) and the originator of the idea Bro. Ewen Smith (representing St Kilda) went back for a photo-opportunity (for the Free Press).
Catherine said everyone at the Centre was very pleased, especially the three people in the Respite Centre. - - - Photos by Tom Miller - - -
Catherine receiving one of 3 TV/DVD players from Bro.
Ewen Smith
with Bro Ewen Robertson (left) and Bro Ronnie Miller (right)
An Acarsaid (The Anchorage) in Broadford
Centenary of Lodge Kyle 2013 : 25th May 2013
Suffice to say ... the day could not have gone better. You can read about the day and events on the Centenary Page or have a look at the Centenary Gallery
The Fall of Brother Rhoddy
Without exception Rhoddy Bush has been the most regular attender at Lodge Kyle for many years now. However as with all living things, his time to move on has come and Rhoddy has finally has finally departed, leaving behind a legacy that cannot be ignored.
Rhoddy's demise was instigated by our worthy Brother Paul Newton, who spent many an hour hacking, sawing and chopping at the ever extending Rhododendron bushes blocking the front "garden" of Lodge Kyle. With the impending Centenary on May 25th of this year, Paul rightly noted that the celebrations and movements from and to Kyle Village Hall to the Lodge would be greatly enhanced by the removal of our bushy brother.
However as you can see from the above pictures, the removal from the site will prove just as exacting a task. The story continues...
A few days later Rob has carted off some of the branches and Paul has burned and removed the rest.
There are lots more pictures of clearing the rhododendrons here.
Here is the Lodge on the Centenary Day.
New Master Mason
In a well attended ceremony (with visitors from Ayr and Beauly) Bro. Rob Wison was put through his 3rd Degree, It was said that the ceremony was one of the best Kyle had produced in many years so it is fitting that everyone on the Degree Team should be suitably proud of their efforts and their Lodge.
In the the P&J this week a photo was published showing the Kyle Freemasons' Ball from the 1950s. Mrs Helen Moore who sent in the picture to the paper has given her kind permission for us to reproduce it below.
Lodge Kyle Freemasons Ball circa 1950s
First may I take this opportunity to wish each and every one of the Brethren a very Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2013. I would also like to thank the Brethren of Lodge Kyle for installing me as Right Worshipful Master for a third successive term in this our most special centenary year when Lodge Kyle will have been operational for 100 years.
RWM Ron Miller, Lodge Kyle 1117
AT our January meetng we discussed mainly the forthcoming Centenary arrangments. The minting of a Jewel and Token as well as Accommodation and Meal for Brethren and Visitors.
We are also minded that there is a rhearsal immediately after next month's meeting on 4th February of a THIRD DEGREE for Bro Rob Wilson. All participants and office bearers are asked to attend.
Our installation meeting on 10th December was well attended and we welcomed a good and worthy delegation from The Grand Provincial Lodge of Ross And Cromarty. After our meeting a good harmony was held and the Raffle pizes drawn (results below).
1. Canon Digital Camera with HD Video : Susan Moore
2. Complete Boxed Set of all Harry Potter Films on BluRay : William Gillespie
3. £30 cash : Allan Smith
4. Box of sweets : Callum Coghill
5. Box of sweets : Chris MacDonald
6. Bottle of Whisky : Morris Downie
7. Bottle of Wine : Donald MacDougall
100 YEARS OF PORTREE FREEMASONRY - Gallery of images of the event
The RWM and PM Mike Moore made the journey over the sea to Skye to the newly 100 year old Lodge St Kilda No. 881 in Portree. RWM Brian Smith and the Brethren have for the past year been organising a "Centenary Celebration" which included a re-dedication of Lodge St Kilda by Brother Charles Wolrige Gordon of Esselmont, Grand Master Mason and his Deputation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
The ceremony was both dignified and poignant and all who were in attendance will remember the event.
Fortune smiled upon the occasion with particularly fine weather for the time of year (for an hour that day) enabling the Brethren of St KIlda, The Grand Master Mason and his Delegation and Visitors to replicate a the photo taken 100 years previously in front of the Lodge.
There was a Harmony at The Cuillin HIlls Hotel at which I am reliably informed, all guests has a superb evening.
A few casual pictures from the Centenary event can be seen here
A stormy night outside but a calm night inside the Lodge was the setting for Bro Wilson's Degree. Thanks to the web, two visitors also made their way there:- David Spink of Lodge Panmure 299 (Arbroath, Scotland) and George Stewart of Lodge Heroditary 5731 (Kent, England). Both visitors were "up on holiday" saw that we were working a Degree and made their way from Duirinish and Dunan respectively. Both said they enjoyed the Degree and on ther return would convey the Fraternal Greetings of the Kyle Brothers to their own Lodge members
October Visitors - David Spink & George Stewart with the RWM
Bro Rob Wilson after passing to the Second Degree
The Degree went well despite many absent offices. The RWM would like to thank all particpants in the Degree, two of whom stepped in at the eleventh hour and still managed the work "without the book". Especial thanks to Bro Wilson who put in hours of learning and passed with flying colours. We all wish him every success in his Masonic career.
It was heartening to see the Brethren turn out on such a wild and rainy evening. After the local Brigade returned from a chimney fire the Lodge was opened and business conducted. A 2nd Degree on October 1st and the Forthcoming Centenery in Portree at Lodge St Kilda 881 (Sat 13th October 2pm - booking essential) were among the more interesting items on the agenda. Thanks to Bros :- Paul Newton for painting the Ante Room, William Gillespie for the new folding tables and Bruce Taylor for clearing away the brambles and summer growth from the front of the Lodge; all very much appreicated.
A beautiful summer’s day saw RWM Ronnie Miller and Secretary Donnie Gordon head off to Skye and thence to Drumbuie to present two cheques to the recipients of Lodge Kyle’s share of the Grand Lodge’s recent 275,000 pounds disbursement; namely MacMIllan Nurses and Kyleakin Connections Day Care Centre. (see below for story and pictures of the event at DIngwall)
Due to the unceasing good work these two charities perform in the local community, The Brethren of Lodge Kyle had no hesitation in nominating them as worthy recipients of this windfall and it was a great honour and privilege to be the intermediaries in this act of generosity.
Macmillan Nurses’ good works are renowned throughout the country and Macmillan Cancer Support could simply not run without them. Some 4.9 million people were helped in 2011 and this small sum of £500 will go to helping the nurses do their essential work in 2012.
MacMillan Nurse Marie Finlayson accepts the cheque from Donnie Gordon
Since 1981 The Kyleakin Day Centre have been going quietly about their business of enriching the lives of young people with learning and physical disabilities. They have a computer room, a library full of books and a Café which they run and is open to the public. The guys and girls of the centre put on regular pantomimes and last year the show featured Snow White and seven Fender Strat’-playing dwarves! (pictures on their facebook page) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kyleakin-Connections/208096482561871
The cheque for £500 will go into the day to day running of the centre. If you are over in Kyleakin, you can support the centre by popping in and having a coffee and something to eat. There are currently upgrades underway, so check the facebook page above to make sure they are open again.
Kyleakin Connections Billy Reid and Charlene MacLeod and Donnie
RWM Ronnie Miller and Secretary Donnie Gordon made the pleasant journey over to Lodge Fingal for the Social Evening at which The RWPGM of Ross and Cromary Bro William Ross would make his presetations to the recipients of a £14,000 disbursement from Grand Lodge. (see all the pictures of worthy charities' presentations here). The evening was well attended by guests and brethren alike and special thanks should go to the ladies and men who worked hard in the background, providing the food, music and refreshment to make this evening such a success.
The evening was well attended by people from far and wide
The Musical Masons' Soundcheck
There wasn't an square inch of space left in Lodge Kyle when RWPGM William Ross and his deputation arrived for their Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty's Annual Inspection. After the 1st Degree work he RWPGM praised the work of the Lodge and presented us with an exceptionally generous cheque for immediate disbursement. The RWM then confirmed the date for the Centenary celebration as 25 May 2013 in Kyle Village Hall at 2pm. It is hoped that Grand Lodge will be in attendance and the RWPGM said he hoped to be there.
RWPGM Bill Ross and PM Donnie Gordon deep in discussion
After the meeting a Harmony was held where 2 kinds of home made Curry, sausage rolls and sandwiches were "demolished" by the Brothers and the Raffle Winners announced (see home page for full results). This year the first prize was a TV with integral DVD which was won by Hector Morrison.
A packed Lodge just before the Raffle Draw.
During the Lodge Business part of the meeting, it was decided that an Action Committee be formed for roof repairs comprising Donnie for Painting consultancy, Bruce Taylor for Rope-work and Safety and Paul Newton for repairs to the Chimney (and all cement work). The purpose of the committee is two-fold. On good weather days they will form the lead work party and if the weather holds they will contact the remaining Brethren who will labour under guidance of the core team.
Also ... The RWM purposed a "Whip" to concentrate the Brethren's minds on the matter of the Centenary. Mickey Moore volunteered for the Job.
Luxury Flat Screen TV with integral DVD - Hector Morrison
Cash Prize - Bruce Taylor
Black Bottle Malt Whisky
- Ramsay McGhee
Dalwhinnie 15 Year Old Malt - Chris Reville
Mystery Prize -
Paul Grace
A dreich Saturday was brightened up considerably when the Corporation o' Squaremen of the Heilan Shed No6 arrived in force at Lodge Kyle.
4 new candidates were put through the degree by the Worthy Deacon and his team and all the while the shed members enjoyed a refreshment.
The Captain o' the Gerd was most stict of office and his fines together with the raffle raised a considerable amount of money for charity. The Worthy Deacon Andrew Fraser presented the RWM (below) a cheque for a hundred and forty pounds to be donated to a charity of Lodge Kyle's choosing.
As always it was a great pleasure for Lodge Kyle to have the Squaremen over and hope to see them all again in the near future. It goes without saying that we appreciate their visits and the hard work that goes into the fund raising.
Our April (Spring 2012) meeting was well attended with visitors from Lodge MacDonald of Sleat in attendance.
The highlight of the evening was the initiation of Bro Robert Wilson to the 1st Degree. The ceremony went very well with several of the participants executing a flawless "performance" and Bro Wilson carried out his role admirably. Lodge MacDonald pointed out that it was significant that Robert was of a young age and just what the Craft needed. He will certainly breathe new life into the almost 100 year old Lodge Kyle.
The May Raffle Tickets were also distributed at the meeting and this year the prizes will be A TV with DVD, 15 Year Old Dalwhinnie Malt Whisky and 50 pounds cash. Tickets can be purchased at a cost of 1 pound each from any member of Lodge Kyle or by calling 0845 2579460
The RWM lodge Kyle made a visit to Lodge Averon in Alness. At a busy meeting the Master Bro George Robinson and his Team worked a superb First Degree for the new Bro Gordon, whose father had made a long trip to be in attendance.
Bro George Robinson RWM Lodge Averon 866
The Lodge also launched their new website due to the hard work and dedication of Brother Donnie Matheson : www.lodgeaveron.co.uk
There was a short Harmony thereafter where PM Niven who will be shortly be celebrating 60 years in the Craft, recited perfectly the Rudyard Kipling poem Gunga Din to everone's enjoyment. (22 March 2012)
The RWM Lodge Kyle represented 1117 in Fortrose at Lodge
Lodge Seaforth 854 at the Provincial Quarterly Communication. An item of interest to all Brethren will be that Grand Lodge has allocated just under 15,000 pounds (from 275,000 pounds) for immediate disbursement throughout the province!
A Commitee interviewed a new candidate prior to this evenings meeting.
At the meeting proper we discussed a field trip to Elgol when the weather improved. Brother Paul Newton completed his arduous task of updating the By-Laws
and presented the work to the Lodge He was thanked by the RWM and the members who all appreciate the hard work that goes into getting the By-Laws current and also into a flexible Electronic Format.
We were all very please to see one of our longest serving brethren Bro. Hector Morrison back in his office this evening. The RWM installed Bros Hector Morrison and Roddy McPherson in their respective offices for the ensuing 12 months.
Visitors from Fingal, Ythan and MacDonald all braved the weather to attend the annual Installation ceremony. (Where the Master is chosen for the forthcoming 12 months.
The Ceremony went smoothly and the RWM would like to especially thank Bro Ewan Smith for his outstanding work on the tools and standing in as Senior Warden. Also worthy of special mention was Bro Willie Gillespie who acted as Installing Master and performed all his part smoothly and with dignity. He was subseqently installed by the new RWM.
The meeting ended in Peace and Harmony with the prizes for the Christmas Raffle being presented to the winners.
This year the grand prize will be a Sony Blu-Ray player with Internet TV (requires broadband) and 2 months free LOVEFILM.+ major and minor prizes.
Ask any Lodge Kyle member for a ticket - You dont have to be a Freemason to participate if you are over 16. The winner(s) will be posted right here on the website, 13th December 2011 (weather permitting the draw to take place).
1st prize
(Sony BluRay Player +£30 voucher)
was won by Mrs Moore of Broadford.
2nd Prize of £50 was won by Br Ewan Smith
3rd Prize Bottle of Malt Whisky
4th Prize Bottle of Grouse Whisky Mrs MacDougall
5th Prize of White Wine Jimmy from Lodge Ythan
After Summer recess Lodge Kyle met
and discussed all the outstanding issues from last session and new matters arising during the summer months. The roof, chimney and forthcoming Centenary (2013) were discussed as well as a perceived "openness" of Lodge Kyle and its members. The Lodge would like to be known by the public as a group whose intentions are benevolent, activities interesting and rewarding and generally dispersing any general negativity surrounding secrecy and self interest. Projects like the Province's annual funding of a teacher at Mount View School in Malawi should be given more detailed exposure so that the public is aware of what Freemasons do and why we meet. (link to African visit)
During recess the RWM and PM Donnie Gordon traveled through to Lodge Fingall for the Quarterly Communication on 24th August. Bro. Roger Cundiff was also in attendance in his official (Provincial) capacity. It was the first QC with the new Provincial Grand Master Bro WIlliam Ross whose expertise suggested he had been performing the duties of RWPGM for many years rather than a few short weeks.
Last night there were three rather special presentations
during the Annual Visitation from "Provincial". First RWPGM Ramsay McGhee and the RWM presented PM Hector Morrison with his 50 years Certificate (yes FIFTY years). During this time Hector has served the Craft impeccably and is a genuine inspiration to us all.
As this was the RWPGMs last visit in office, RWM Ron Miller took the opportunity to present Ramsay with a set of gold cufflinks (engraved with the Square and Compasses) from the Brethren of Lodge Kyle.
Lastly RWPGM presented Lodge Kyle with his offical photograph to hang in the Lodge.
The RWM of Lodge Kyle would also like it known that during the meeting two of the regularly attending brethren as members of the local Fire & Rescue Service were out defending the population from unusually large and numerous fires. It is therefore an opportune moment to state publicly that we appreciate that they regularly forgo their personal liberties to ensure that we the public are safe in our homes day and night!
We had planned to discuss our Centenary of the Lodge founding on May 1st 1913 this evening and indeed with much debate we did. However we were unexpectedly but ably assisted in our efforts by two visitors; Bro Wayne Price who is the Past District Depute GrandMaster of Virginia in USA and Bro James Jack who is Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
RWPGM James Jack ( Lanarkshire Middle Ward) & RWM
The experience of our visitors and their comment much stimulated discussion into new areas of fund raising, management of the occasion and who to invite. It is obvious to all within Freemasonry that the Centenary of the Lodge is an important historical landmark, however RWPGM James Jack pointed out that the local authority may also be predisposed to assist both financially and in the marketing of such an event as 100 years duration of any group would be classed as an institution.
After the meeting the visitors outlined their visit round Scotland and some of the activities in USA including work on Freemasonry during The American Revolution and Declaration of Independence which was absolutely fascinating, especially as our visitors must have had direct access to the source material in America.
RWDDGM Wayne Price of Virginia in USA and the RWM
A cool but calm Spring evening saw Bros Hector Morrison, Roddy McPherson and Ronnie Miller
motor up to Aultbea on a visit to Lodge Loch Ewe. Although by the time we reached Loch Maree the light had begun to fade, the scenery commanded (more than once) we slow the car, gaze down the glen and take in the Architect's splendour that is our homeland.
We were warmly greeted by the RW Master and Brethren of Loch Loch Ewe 1551 and it was heartening just to see the old Lodge filled with Freemasons. Bro Maurice Downie from Provincial was in attendance and asked that each Lodge in the Province donate a "bottle" for the forthcoming Raffle as the minor prizes. The major prize to be something more distinguished. After a splendid harmony that lasted some time we motored safely back home. A good night!
3rd DEGREE : March 7th 2011
Brother Brian Smith is already a Master Mason in the English Constitution and in previous months at Lodge Kyle has been put through the 1st and 2nd degrees
as he was keen to see the rite as performed in the Scottish Constitution. So this evening he was raised to the sublime degree. RWM Ronnie Miller noted that all the brethren taking part in the work, executed their parts with dignity and fluidity as did the candidate.
The Brethren had decided that they would try out an accompaniment of Abide With Me on an Ipod, however afterwards it was decided in future we would simply be led by a brother of good voice and dispensed with the recorded backing track.
It was also our pleasure to welcome into the Lodge this evening RWM Brian Smith and IPM Hamie McLeod from 318 Lodge Fingal. 318's RWM commented positively on the 3rd Degree and will return to Portree with our warmest fraternal greetings. It was interesting to note that both the candidate in Lodge Kyle and RWM from Portree were both named Brian Smith.
Finally but by no means least, IPM Henry Cameron (Lodge FIngal 318) sent through to Lodge Kyle, a near 98 year old photograph (above) showing the Brethren in Church Road, Kyle in the year 1913*. The occasion was a visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge. The back of the photo reads -Visit of Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross-shire to Kyle of Lochalsh Lodge. PG Master Alexander Naughty, Dingwall in centre, (seated) with Depute PGM Colonel Cuthbert DSO, Ardross, on his left (in kilt) and RWM Forsyth of Kyle of Lochalsh on his right. The others in the front row are well known Ross-shire Masons. 11:50am 12/91
*confirmation pending
On a flying visit to Glasgow it was with a great deal of pleasure the Master of Lodge Kyle accepted the offer to visit 599 and watch their guests Lodge St Bryde 579 from Uddingston perform a First Degree. The work was very atmospheric as was the Harmony thereafter.
The photo below is RWM Tom Harold and RWM Ronnie Miller. FEB-17-11
The February meeting was well attended. Past Master Bruce Taylor was presented with his Past Master's Jewel by the Master; a well deserved gift from all the Brethren of Lodge Kyle. This was followed by a run through of
3rd Degree in preparation for next month's meeting.
Despite snowdrifts on the hill at Bunloyne to Invergarry, our Right Worshipful Master Ronnie MIller visited Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning 557 in High Blantyre
where visiting Lodge Burns Immortal 1730 had been invited to work a 1st degree. The floorwork and ritual were perfect and the slight differences in form made the degree all the more interesting. The evening was very well attended and our Master was made to feel very welcome indeed by the brethren of both Lodges. The harmony lasted well into the night...
A good turnout considering the road conditions. (The snow stopped traffic and the bus over the hill to Glasgow near Invergarry!).
The three vacant offices were filled by Brothers: Seamus Maguire - Senior Deacon, Chris Macdonald - Junior Deacon and Roddy MacPherson as Senior Warden. Bro. Paul Newton acted as Installing Master with Bro Willie Gillespie investing the candidates with their Jewel and other badges of office. A very professional installation by both brothers.
It was also decided that henceforth Lodge Kyle will present all Masters of the Lodge at the end of their period as Master with a Past Master's Jewel. A fitting tribute to their dedication to the craft and as tangible appreciation of their tenure by the Brethren
After the meeting, instead of a Harmony, led by Bro Donald MacKenzie (Director of Ceremonies), we formalised some Masonic ritual and floorwork. I believe we all learned something that perhaps we have been doing (slightly) wrong for some time. When to salute and when not being a typical example of the work. Our thanks to Donald for pointing these simple but important things out.
A frosty evening did not prevent a most splendid turnout at Lodge Kyle for the Installation of its new master; with lodges as far away as Blantyre in Central Scotland in attendance.
Brother and now Past Master Bruce Taylor after his two years of superb service to Lodge Kyle and Freemasonry in general left the Chair for the incoming Right Worshipful Master Ronnie Miller who will perform the duties of RWM for the next 2 years
Bro. Miller thanked Bro. Taylor for all his hard work over the previous 24 months of his tenure.
Some of the PMs for the Installation at Lodge Kyle 1117
"Provincial" sent a delegation headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Ramsay McGhee who commented on the professionalism of the Installation Team.
After the ceremony a harmony was held and enjoyed immensely by all during which many plans were outlined for the coming year. As you can see from the pre-harmony picture above, everyone without exception was in good cheer despite the cold weather.
Lodge Kyle would like to wish EVERYONE a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
FIRST AUTUMN MEETING - 6th September 2010
The year has swung round once more to Autumn and with it the longer nights. This Monday evening saw the lodge filled with visitors and the local brothers.
A large delegation from Lodge Eval in Fort Augustus and Invergarry made the long but scenic journey over the hill to Kyle to attend and remarked at their warm welcome. They are now regular visitors to the lodge having already been here earlier in the year. Their efforts in visiting neighbouring lodges in the true spirit of fraternity are much appreciated.
The lodge also welcomed Br Gavin MacKenzie or should we say, welcomed back, as Gavin is returning to his home in Kyle after 10 years in China. His father and his father before him were Masters of the Lodge and their certificates hang in the Lodge. (see behind and above Gavin in the picture below). No doubt he will continue the family tradition in due course.
When travelling in Canada I happened on this building in Toronto; The Old Masonic Temple. The building has been the home of MTV Canada since 2005. Internally the building has been renovated and re-designed to facillitate state of the art studios and produces original Canadian programming. The building externally however retains its original Masonic features. It's on the corner of Yonge and Davenport.
Some 50 plus brothers including a large delegation from Provincial and the RWPGM of Inverness-shire turned out for the last meeting before the summer recess which included a first degree.
Represented at the meeting were Lodges Fingal, St Kilda, Carron, St Martin, Lochiel, Sykes, Fort WIlliam, MacDonald of Sleat, Drumossie, Bernard, Waterloo, Eval, Mallaig, Loch Ewe, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty and The Provincial Grand Lodge of Inverness-shire, some of whom are pictured above.
Bro. Brian Smith, was affiliated to Lodge Kyle. RWPGM Ramsay McGhee welcomed Brian (Centre above) who is in the English Constitution (Peace & Unity Lodge 6312 ) into the Scottish Constitution and wished Bro. Brian a long and happy career in Freemasonry... as do we all.
A splendid harmony was enjoyed by all and it was 10:30 before we started off for home. A most satisfying end to the season.
At our March meeting we had three brothers come to visit. The first was Bro. Brian Smith, who hopes to become affiliated to Lodge Kyle. He brought with him a unique gift from Peace and Unity Lodge number 6312 of two bottles of Masonic red wine and an engraved glass from which to drink it. The glass is engraved with his Lodge Crest and the inscription Peace and Unity Lodge 6312 - W. Bro M S Errington Master 2010. Our Master Bruce Taylor thanked Bro Brian for his visit and asked him to convey the thanks to his master in England. The wine will be sampled on a suitable occasion.
RWM Bruce Taylor accepting Bro. Brian Smith's unique gifts
More locally, from Lodge Eval at Invergarry, came Bros John MacDonald and Colin Sidley. The boys said that they had a super evening in Kyle and that our two lodges were not too far apart suggesting that there could be more frequent visits in the future.
The boys from Lodge Eval No. 1464 in Invergarry
The visitations of the three brethren highlights what Freemasonry is all about; visiting Lodges anywhere in the world, making new friends and rekindling old fiendships.
On a more serious note, we discussed the roof and the ingress of water during the winter months. The builder's quotation for repairs was somewhat more than the lodge can afford at this time and so it was suggested that where possible we carry out the work ourselves. Fortunately as there are some amazing new sheet products available on the market, the task of replacing the roof is considerably more simple that it used to be, bringing the job into a more DIY area. We will also investigate the possiblitly of financial assitance from the Council and other sources.
Lastly RW Master Bruce Taylor was presented by Past Master Calum his Master's certificate. Bruce has been in the chair for over a year now and enjoyed every minute of it.
Where a superb time was had by all ...
On a frosty but clear evening the Lodge Kyle team travelled over the hill to Dingwall and Lodge Fingal 318 for the purpose of conferring a second degree on Lodge Fingal's Candidate. On arrival we were warmly met by the local Brethren. The Master of Lodge Fingal handed over to the Master of Lodge Kyle and the second degree duly conferred. Both Masters noted afterwards that the Candidate performed magnificently as did the team from Lodge Kyle. At the Harmony in the Hall, we were all treated to some home baking and a wonderful selection of other savoury treats. The Master of Lodge Fingal formally thanked the Master and Team from Lodge Kyle for coming over, however I suspect after the warm welcome we received and hospitality shown by Lodge Fingal, that the pleasure was all ours.
Click photo for larger image in new window
Candidate with both RWMs
Monday 14th December 2009
At the last meeting
RWPGM Br Ramsay McGhee noted that Br Donnie Gordon had been in the office of Secretary for a continuous period of 33 years, making him the longest serving secretary in the Province. In 1976 when Donnie began his tenure, Elvis was still playing to packed houses, Harold Wilson was Prime Minister, Concorde made its first commercial flight and a wee company called Microsoft is started. Our congratulations to Donnie and we wish him every continued success as the Secretary of Lodge Kyle.
Monday 14th December 2009
Click photo for larger image in new window
An absolutely super turn out for the re-installation of RWM Bruce Taylor and his Office Bearers. We thank all the visitors from within and outside the province especially those who participated in the ceremony and of course RWPGM Brother Ramsay McGhee who spoke about the Masonic work going on in other parts of the country. After the meeting we all enjoyed a harmony in the Lodge room.
Monday 5th October 2009
Below is Br Roger Cundiff formally presenting two Membership Certificates to RWM Bruce Taylor. The Mark and MM Certificates originally belonged to Br William MacKenzie of Lodge Kyle. His Grandson Kevin now living in China thought it would be fitting and proper to have the documents framed and hung in Br MacKenzie's Mother Lodge. Gavin's father Donald was also a member of Lodge Kyle. The Brethren of Lodge Kyle thank Br MacKenzie Jnr. for his generosity and wish him and his family all the best.
Thursday 28th May 2009
A grey spring morning saw a ray of sunshine when Bro Donnie Gordon of Lodge Kyle, representing The Worthy Deacon Bro Morris Downie o' the Heilan' Shed, presented a cheque for £182 to the members of the Skye and Lochalsh Association for Disability (Kyleakin Connections).
We were given a tour of the building which includes the cafe, kitchen, library and meeting room. One of the tutors was telling us that the boys (and one lass) will be starting an SVQ IT Course shortly and that they have computers on the premises.
The Nice Cafe and Bookshop is open to the public on Wednesdays from 10:30am - 3.00pm and serves filled rolls, posh biscuits, tea and fresh coffee. The guys there help prepare fresh baked scones and pancakes to order. Directions: Go into Kyleakin and turn RIGHT after the King Arms Hotel. You will the see the Nice Cafe sign right in front of you.
Thank you to everyone there for the warm reception and hospitality. (a bigger version of the pic is available on here)
Saturday 9th May 2009
As with any older building The Lodge required repairs. It was found on lifting the floor to mend a springy joist that the rot was more extensive than first thought and that the recent inclement weather had brought more than "a scar o weet to mak the girse grow!" The sub floor was swimming in water and due to rot, Several of the beams will have to be replaced. You can read the entire story with pictures here ...
Saturday 4th April 2009
The last meeting before Summer Recess saw the RWPGM Ramsay McGhee and his Delegation visiting Lodge Kyle. Ramsay said that there was a good level of professionalism in the working of our second degree and that it was splendid having a "live" candidate. Our congratulations to Br McKenzie on his passing to the second degree and heartfelt thanks to the Provincial Delegation and visitors for coming all the way to Kyle.
Saturday 4th April 2009
A bright spring afternoon saw the arrival in Kyle of The Corporation o' Squaremen, led by The Worthy Deacon Morris Downie. Having travelled from Inverness the men quickly made themselves at home and by 3 pm began procedings to initiate the candidate. A light hearted approach to Freemasonry made the proceedings fun for both the office bearers, brethren and last but not least the poor candidate who it must be said performed superbly given the (un)usual circumstances.
The generosity of all who attended was amply demonstrated by the fact that when the monies were divided evenly between Lodge Kyle and the Corporation, there was a three figure sum for each. The money will go to local (childrens') charities. The visiting Squaremen thanked Lodge Kyle for the use of the hall and Lodge Kyle waived the hire fee as the proceedings were in a good cause.
The Corporation
We of Lodge Kyle are most grateful that all the visitors took the time and effort to travel such a distance and put on a splendid performance, sharing their knowledge of the craft and keeping the ancient rituals of The Corporation alive.
Monday 3rd March 2009
Due to various circumstances our regular meeting saw more apologies than brethren. We had been hoping to have a rehearsal for a forthcoming degree but because four of the key players in all sincerity, could not make the meeting, we thought it best to postpone this part of the proceedings. However what could have been a brief and quiet meeting turned into a truly superb evening followed by a most enjoyable harmony which was almost entirely due to our two visitors from the central belt.
Joe Cain, PM Lodge Albert Ednard number 592 (Langside in Glasgow) and Brother Steven Lyon Lodge Douglas number 1557 (East Kilbride) both in the province Renfrew East arrived as part of their National Tour of Lodges in which they hope to visit most if not all the Lodges in Scotland. However due to the quiet evening they graciously offered to be Tyler and Senior Deacon allowing the meeting to proceed as scheduled.
PM Paul Newton then gave what can only be described as a perfect rendering of the explanation of the tracing board which offered an opportunity for all in attendance to gain a deeper understanding of the lecture.
Whilst not allowing us to practice floorwork and words for the degree next month, the contribution of our two visitors completely lifted the whole atmosphere of the meeting for which we are all sincerely grateful.
Steven, Bruce and Joe
It was also decided at the meeting that we should have photographs of all the Past Masters. It is only fitting to commemorate the superb achievement of going into the Chair of King Solomon, probably the zenith of any Freemason's Masonic career.
Monday 8th December 2008
A large attendance of brethren from near and far witnessed the Installation of Bro. Bruce Taylor into the Chair of King Solomon. A dignified ceremony was followed by a harmony where the brethren caught up on provincial gossip. We all wish Bruce the very best in his new office.
RWPGM Ramsay McGhee congratulates RWM Bruce Taylor
As well as welcoming in RWM Bruce Taylor into the Chair, RWPGM Ramsay McGhee thanked PM Calum McKenzie for his superb efforts in the Chair; leading Lodge Kyle at home and on visitations throughout the Province in the previous two years. Lodge Kyle would like to thank all the dignitaries and visitors who came to the Installation.
Monday 1st December 2008
The regular meeting of Lodge Kyle was attended by visitors from Dunoon, Portree and ... South Africa. The brethern from afar enjoyed the meeting and the hospitality thereafter. Thos attending were: from of the East Division of Cape of Good Hope: RWDPGM Donald Dye, Hon. Grand Piper Alistair Wilson and DPSW Donovan Dreyton. From Lodge Sonheu Wel No 1713 Bro Hein Buys and from Lodge Caledonia No 796 Bro Bennie Strydom.
The meeting include a mock Second Degree and one of the visitors from South Africa Brother Base, bravely 'volunteered' to be the candidate. His performance was most excellent. It was most illuminating hearing about the workings of their Lodges compared to those in Scotland. The RWM Calum MacKenzie presented them each with a Lodge Kyle Penny. The picture below is of the visitors and members of Lodge Kyle. For a LARGE version of the photo simply click the image.
Wednesday 27th August 2008 - 8pm
The provincial Lodge members travelled from far and wide to the Quarterly meeting, this time in Lodge Kyle. RW Provincial Grand Master Ramsay McGhee conducted the ceremony assisted by his team. After the meeting there was a much enjoyed harmony where we all go a chance to catch up on Lodge business and news from other parts of the country. Below is a group photo from the event.
Zoomable Image - use the controls to see a sharper bigger image: |
Sunday 25th May 2008 - 3.00 pm
In memory of the Late Brethren of the Province, The Annual Lodge of Sorrow was this year held in Lodge Kyle 1117. RW Provincial Grand Master Ramsay McGhee conducted the ceremony ably assisted by Brother The Reverend William Niven and the delegation from Provincial Lodge.
Roll of Brothers Departed was read out after which the piper played The Last Post and the the Slow Air. After the service, the lodge was closed with the piper playing Reveille.
The Brethren then had a splendid harmony.
Thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend this most poignant of ceremonies.
April 7th 2008
A delegation from Lodge Seaforth 854 travelled to Lodge Kyle on the 7th to work a DOUBLE Third Degree. The team did a marvellous job and the degree was enjoyed by all including the candidates who were subsequently congratulated on their achievement. RW Master Mackedddie and his team had obviously put a lot of hard work into rehearsing this degree and it showed in the floorwork and oration. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the team who travelled from Fortrose and surrounding area for the occasion.
January 2008
VISIT TO LODGE SEAFORTH - Monday 21st January.
Our delegation travelled to Fortrose and were made very welcome on arrival. The RW Master of Lodge Seaforth (Raymond Mackeddie) handed over the gavel to our RWM and we worked a Second Degree. After the ceremony we repaired to the extensive function halls adjoining the Lodge for a splendid Harmony. Calum and Raymond also chatted about the history of Lodge Seaforth and the cathedral in the village (built circa 1300) where a series of Mason Marks can be found. Around fifty of these were collected and drawn from the blocks around the base of the cathedral, a picture of which now hangs in the Lodge.
The new website is expected to launch at the end of January, approvals permitting.
December 2007
The Lodge Kitchen refurbishment was completed.
Visit to New Zealand
The photo below was taken in The Caledonian lodge No 16 in the city of Timaru on the South Island. The gentleman on the left is the WM of lodge Caledonian and the man on the right is another of the brethern, who all made us feel most welcome. When we were there we watched a second degree and then watched a ceremony of the exchanging of the gavels.