Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay my annual fees for membership?
Send a cheque made out to:-
“Lodge Kyle of Freemasons No 1117 General Funds”
and post it to to the Lodge Kyle Secretary at :
Mr R Miller
Old Plock Road
Kyle of Lochalsh
IV40 8BW
If you want to pay online via your bank you can transfer the money to our bank at :
Bank :- BANK OF SCOTLAND (Kyle Branch 800871)
Account Name : “Lodge Kyle of Freemasons No 1117 General Funds”
Account Number : 00389761
Sort Code : 80 08 71
if you have any questions or need further information Telephone 01599 534964 or email
I have heard Freemasonry is a secret society. Is this true?
No. Freemasons have no secrets about what they do or who is a Freemason. Masonic Meetings are advertised in the local newspaper, the lodges clearly marked and members wear rings and ties with masonic emblems. The only 'secret' is the method of identifying each other. Perhaps the biggest secret is that of the secret that grows within a Freemason as he practises morality, compassion and helpfulness.
Who can become a Freemason?
Any able man of good repute over the age of 21 with a belief in The Supreme Being. At Masonic meetings the Volume of the Sacred Law sits open on the alter. Its not uncommon to see the Qur'an, Bible, Veda, Scruti or Pentateuch or all five volumes open in larger lodges. The important fact is that Freemasonry welcomes men of all races and beliefs.
Can women join?
No. Women have their own Masonic Organisation called The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF). The HFAF is a fraternity for women and organised by women. It was founded in 1913 and membership is open to women of any race or religion. Please click here ( for further information. You may also wish to peruse this website for more information on lodges around the country.